What form, let's assume a physical body, does time have? Your opinion. - page 15


The interesting thing is that all three statements are true.
only the second one makes sense, the rest are just words

The concept of time is not discontinuous with the concept of change in the characteristics of the object in question. In general, if the object will not have any characteristics, then the concept of time is not applicable to it.

Each currency must be on its own plane and the data must be 'prepared' for the sphere, it must fit within the limits and not go beyond them.

If you can. Explain the second paragraph. Thank you.
If you can. Explain the second paragraph. Thank you.

As I see it, a slice of forex quotations at any given time is a slice of a rope or a maiden's plait, whichever is more interesting. I have noticed people on this forum (for ethical reasons I will not mention their names) who work in this direction, but they work alone and I am in some way in agreement with them. Today they have the opportunity to ask leading questions on the subject or to share their secrets with everyone.

Let's apply this case to forex. A slice of history lies... at any point in time. Who sees it. Units.

Who, for example, wrote down - has a history, who did not have time ... come on.

When applied to price charts, it seems to me that crosses-zeros are relevant, where the size of the "box" is the trader's time horizon. For example: euro/dollar = 2.0 ? Is it possible?! Sure. But when?

Thus, we get that the main thing is the trader's desires (his goals). According to .



You must have said thank you in advance:)))
only the second one makes sense, the rest are a bunch of words

Well, that's just your very private opinion. To the best of your comprehension.

And the second is simply the most obvious, the most straightforwardly limited, so to speak. But that's the thing, the truth is far from obvious. Otherwise, there would have been nothing to know a long time ago.


The interesting thing is that all three statements are true.

Yuri, please explain this:

There's what's not there and there's what's not there.

I don't think I can drink that much... I used to be able to... :о(


It's elementary, Watson! I mean, Frasworth.

Understand it all in the Buddhist sense and you will have complete clarity.


Don't take this as rubbish, but it comes to mind:

                 MARK OF AURELIUS 1. A sober and perfectly calm mood Never results in taut lines And poems must be written with all the eagerness, Like a folk artist sawing out a triangular key chain. 2. And here it's raining, and there's absolutely no energy to Concentrate. Lying to yourself, on your back, And without looking, It's clear The windows in the neighbouring house Are gilded, And motionless someone's counting people in silence. 3. But the longing cleanses. But to feel happiness in autumn is worse than giving a powdered, intelligent old woman a blowjob. Rest, soul. The inner spit will hit you, And the outer one will cause a cheerful collective response. 4. That's how you live. 4. This is how you live Your life Reading all kinds of books and thinking about the three-metre pit, Though it's clear even without it that any failure or success Is as if in your dream you and three firemen were having a dick fight And it turns out that you have a shorter or slightly longer dick than the others. 5. 5. Thinking about it, doing the work appointed by fate, You remind yourself more and more of a man who has made up his mind that there really is no chest of drawers in a room, When in fact there is no room, but only Commodus. 6. Sometimes, one wakes up at about half past two and looks out of the window at the so-called moonlight, Though one has known for a long time that the world is a hallucination of junkie Petrov, Which, in turn, is a hallucination of some drunken petty officer. 7. Good thing there's friction with the madmen, And they chase you with nails and razors in their hands. You flee now from one, now from another, now from the third, And you have no time to feel neither your solitude nor fear. 8. In general, it would be good to hide somewhere and wait for summer, And behave as quietly as possible, otherwise there will be trouble if the KGB will understand that you are a circle of blindingly bright light, Except which in the universe has never been and never is.