What form, let's assume a physical body, does time have? Your opinion. - page 11

Of course - especially since we are discussing the time shape here :)
The forum is all about forex )

We observe one space and then we speculate, sometimes by observing certain phenomena people draw the wrong conclusions. As pure theories all points of view have the right to exist

We can draw lines and points to construct a building and then construct that building. That is what abstractions are for, to implement what we want in the real world. But when you move from one abstraction to another, losing your connection to the world, you become unaware of reality, you have to try to avoid that


There is no use in going any further.

You have convinced me of your "steadfastness".


if by and large, time is expressed in motion. Movement is an object stretched from the point of birth to the point of dissolution.

you can see the shape of time by looking at a clock. hehe.

Here both conversations merged, line, plane, point are abstractions. By the way I did not see where the five measures of our real space. Or is the data so classified that it is not even mentioned anywhere ?

Honestly, it's been a long time since I've had that kind of pleasure on this forum.

When several opponents, albeit unsubstantiated but culturally conversational, on a topic I don't understand at all.

Ah, man, it's nice to read. Thanks.


I promise to delete all my posts which make no sense at the end of the day (Wednesday).

Sweep up after myself, so to speak. I wish others to do the same .....


Spiral. Everything moves in a spiral - everything is the same, just slightly different, in a different plane or dimension, the patterns change. ))) This also applies to forex ))))

I think it is more correct - an infinite ZZ - which by its current twists repeats a distant and not too distant history on the plane of the current day

and the forum is all about forex)

nope... About MTS



nope... About MTS.


forex comes first anyway )
forex comes first anyway )

Check it out... and it will open...


MTS and random. Chop. and then say your inputs aren't snarky...

Happy New Year!

Rumku and.... rymannochnochno...

The market will be on the 15th - I think


Why not? Einstein proved that for fast moving objects, the passage of time slows down. Black holes are a prime example.

Just blurted it out...

Time is a field or space where consciousness of living matter exists.Vernadsky's Noosphere