What form, let's assume a physical body, does time have? Your opinion. - page 17


There you go. "Wait, steam train..."

What am I, Karenina? Yeah, like, snort a coconut and get under the train. "Wait..."

Serge! What's wrong with the context? I feel like I'll be dying, delirious... and they'll come to me with an oxygen pillow: Repent, Petya, about the context...


What form does time have, as a physical body, let's say?

If we measure time by some physical quantity, then maybe it must also have some form?

I would like to hear your opinion.

It's another rubbish dump that has nothing to do with the subject matter of this forum at all. If you are interested in physics, apply to the relevant forums and sites. Yes, there are many forum users with higher technical education, but nevertheless, don't engage in "rubbish" here... Interesting threads get shifted to incomprehensible pages because of such "nonsense". Apart from that, I'm sure that once again the discussion will be crowned by someone's ban. So... an argument about nothing... Totally off topic. Go to your university and consult your professors if you have not grasped the material in your time, but otherwise... ...is worthless ground for a useless argument... IMHO.
It's not for you to judge my experience and age ...

Of course, dear man. Why then do you take the liberty of judging others where it is nonsense and where it is not? Or maybe you are special ?


... I don't need advice.

Sounds like a diagnosis. Don't you think?

There you go. "Wait, steam train..."

What am I, Karenina? Yeah, like, snort a coconut and get under the train. "Wait..."

Serge! What's wrong with the context? I feel like I'm going to die, I'm going to be delirious... and they'll stick to me with an oxygen pillow: Repent, Petya, about the context...

one of my weaknesses is that I'm very particular and kind of sensitive about... like... like "bring me this, I don't know what". And then, you have to do what you say, well ... if possible, of course :o)


Roman. Such branches do not serve cognitive purposes, but to liberate the mind. And it is useful. So you shouldn't...

And so... time is a peculiarity of human perception of the universe.


I have one weakness - I'm very particular and kind of sensitive to ... like... like "fetch this, I don't know what". Besides, you have to do what you're told, well... if possible.)

Right. That's embarrassing. But unfortunately, I'm a perfectionist. Maniacal. If I had had the will, I would have torn down everything I had already published.

On a sacramental (laughable in itself) subject, you should either write a full-length article (and even that won't fit) or ineptly retort. That's how it is now.

However, enough has been said (as part of the usual forum coddling). IMHO, of course...


Of course, dear man. Why then do you take the liberty of judging others where it is nonsense and where it is not? Or are you special?

Sounds like a diagnosis. Don't you think?
Not of others, but of certain statements by others.

And so... time is a feature of the human perception of the universe.

So, it's getting closer to philosophy.

To be precise (or at least consistent), time is one of the attributes of matter. And the presence of this attribute in matter leads to a "disappointing" conclusion: everything that exists in time is temporary. It was created some time ago and in time it will disappear. And therefore matter is finite, its lifetime is limited. The Big Bang was its birth. But time will pass and death will follow. And all that will be left is what it was before the Big Bang - Absolute Nothing.

But if you take an idea that exists by itself, unbound to matter, it's eternal. It has nothing that can be destroyed. In a material sense, it does not exist at all. In this sense, idea = emptiness. And try destroying emptiness.


Fransworth, do you understand me ? :-)

not others, but some of the statements of others.

So if I call some of your statements nonsense, you won't be offended?

Please specify how many "some". Also, please specify the entire list of words allowed other than "nonsense".

I really don't want to offend you.


So if I call some of your statements nonsense, you won't be offended?

Please specify how many "some". Also, please specify the entire list of words allowed, other than "nonsense".

I really don't want to offend you.

Is it a question of my ethics? I said my opinion, that's all, you think otherwise, fine, you were asked to justify the reason for deification of those words, to which there was no intelligible explanation. I do not like demagoguery on leftist topics, if you have something to say on the merits, please