What form, let's assume a physical body, does time have? Your opinion. - page 16


Well, that's just your very private opinion. To the extent of understanding.

And the second one is just the most obvious, so to say the most straightforwardly limited. But that's the point: the truth is far from being obvious. Otherwise there would have been nothing to know a long time ago.

I can simply distinguish delirium from everything else, it is just a sign of sanity.And your reasoning is reminiscent of sectarianism, where people also think everyone else is stupid and themselves enlightened. But in fact it is vice versa.


It's elementary, Watson! I mean Frasworth.

Understand it all in the Buddhist sense and you will have complete clarity.

Yep, no need for any reasonable and adequate explanations, smoke Buddhism mixed with cannabis and you'll get clarity ))))


Your reasoning is reminiscent of sectarian reasoning, where people think everyone else is stupid and themselves enlightened. But in fact it is exactly the opposite.

For easier understanding of Myself, for better understanding I have simply interchanged your own sentences. Read it carefully and maybe you will understand something.

Your arguments are more like sectarian ones, where people think that everybody is stupid and themselves are enlightened. In fact it is exactly the opposite. I can simply distinguish delirium from everything else, it is just a sign of sanity.

There is what (it seems) not to be and there is not what(it seems) to be. And that is all there is to it.

And I gave an example with a dark room to show that a human being still does not see a lot.

Svinozavr: Don't call it a flood, but it comes to mind:

There you go, Petya, and you said you couldn't drink that much...

P.S. No, it wasn't you who said it, it was Farnsworth, but it was impressive. You might want to write down the term for the male sex organ or something...


There is what (seems) not to be there and there is not what(seems) to be there. That's all there is to it.

- There (seems to be ) something that (seems to be) not there and (seems to be) not what(seems to be) there. )))) that's a lot to take in, you can't spoil the tar with honey.)

Don't take this as a flood, but it comes to mind:

And a two-metre pit will fix everyone:))

9. Breezes from under the tail of the Sow's mare God's dew

in even layers on a drunken face.

It's time to go. Don't believe the others. Don't trust yourself.

And thou shalt be king and thou shalt be B.


It's just that I can tell the difference between delusion and anything else, it's just a sign of sanity.

Your sanity is still too young and inexperienced. It can only distinguish your self from the rest of the non-self. And the fact that she calls this non-self a delusion is her own personal growth problem.

There is a law of nature: the wider the consciousness, the less self-confidence. And vice versa. Try it on yourself.


Your sanity is still too young and inexperienced. It can only distinguish your self from the rest of the non-self yet. And the fact that it calls this non-self a delusion is its own personal growth problem.

There is a law of nature: the wider the consciousness, the less self-confidence. And vice versa. Try this on yourself.

It's not for you to judge my experience and age, apply whatever you want to yourself, I don't need advice.

It's elementary, Watson! I mean, Frasworth.

Understand it all in the Buddhist sense and you will have complete clarity.

Yuri, if you decide to switch to a Yorkshire accent, then say Farnsworth(http://www.futurama.ru/farnsworth.shtml)

Well, as for Buddhism, I'm not so sure about your clarity on the subject. But apparently you've expanded the boundaries of your consciousness so much that you could easily fit a hundred expanding universes like ours into it. Damn, I have always understood what you write about in your posts, but here is a mishap - I don't ***t understand, however ** ***there is no need, I will not be able to contain "incomprehensible".


There you go, Petya, and you said you couldn't drink that much...

P.S. No, it wasn't you, it was Farnsworth, but it was impressive. You might want to write down the term for the male sex organ or something...

"Pig-saurus to the Stoops."
The pig-saurus is exiled to the Stoops
I second that! Matemat, put him there, i.e. give him an administrative boost - for once I'll hear something concrete, not about "contexts".