What form, let's assume a physical body, does time have? Your opinion. - page 13

Tantrik: Can you not drag paternas into a serious topic? (thanks in advance.)

Yeah, it's a really serious topic ))))

What form does time have, as a physical body, let's say?

If we measure time by some physical quantity, then maybe it must also have some form?

The strange thing is not that no adequate answer has been found, but that everyone has rushed so actively to answer, without thinking at all about the quality of the question. So it means that any question can be answered? Tell me, then, what colour is wet, or what length is hot?

ULAD, the question for you personally is what is the form of time ? I promise to answer your question as soon as you give an adequate answer to mine.

Notice my question makes more sense than yours. Shape is a spatial concept, so at least shape can have length. And time is a measure of the duration of processes, has nothing to do with space. But you nevertheless ask about the form of time. Is this humour ?

Regarding your second question. We do not measure time by any physical quantity. Someone has maliciously misled you. We measure duration by time. Similarly, we measure dimensions and distances by length. These are independent coordinates of our 4 dimensional space-time. All we need to make a measurement is a scale - a unit of measurement. They are given by a ruler and a clock.

The cross-section has nothing to do physically with objects. It is imaginary or abstract...

Please explain, I do not understand your thought.

Many times I've had dreams that I later had in reality. Time is an obscure phenomenon for me so the topic is on topic.

If that is the point, it is not time as a separate phenomenon that is incomprehensible to you, but rather the capacity of human consciousness, its interaction with the universe, its ability to directly perceive information and work with the energies that permeate our space-time. Science is hardly helpful here. If you are interested, pay attention to esotericism, because all these amazing human abilities have been known for thousands of years, and people have been using them quite consciously.

Strange .....

I'm sorry that the subject is presented in such a joking way:))

You can find all sorts of information using Google, Yandex, etc., but that's not the point at all.

This forum has gathered not quite a simple contingent with its non-standard views on things and it seems to me it makes sense to listen to different views, especially since this forum pays little attention to "time".

I would like to hear more from solar regarding the linkage of time to forex.

I think other forum users will also have something to say.

This thread is not a scandalous one and we are moving on to the subject of TIME.

I have something to say, but so far, not enough time. Well, here's to understanding...

p.s. I looked and wondered:)) Symbolic even the start time of the thread 05.01.2011 00:00. That's how it is.


I'm not sure, but I don't think there is any time at all. It is an abstraction to denote the process of changing something. The reasons for the advent lie on the surface - it is the finiteness of each individual's existence.

Please explain, I did not understand your thought.
If we physically dissect an object, we get two different ones, so when we talk about a section, we mean an imaginary plane of section.
I am not sure, but it seems to me that there is no time at all. It is an abstraction to denote the process of changing something. The reasons for the advent lie on the surface - it is the finiteness of each individual's existence.

Time as a fact exists. For a person, for example, date of birth ++.

We can link a family tree or recorded facts of history or life to time. Those not recorded are lost to history i.e. time by the definition of some forumers.


ULAD, the question for you personally is what shape is the length ?

This question is as simple to answer as asking the question asked about time (oh how I articulate :o). Converting time to form or length to form is not a question at all. For example, for ULAD the form of time became symbols, and it could have been a picture or something else useful. So, the existing "non-renewable" resource - time, was converted into a number of characters in the post on the first page.


I'm not sure, but I don't think there is any time at all. It is an abstraction to denote the process of changing something. The reasons for the advent lie on the surface - it is the finitude of each individual's existence.
That's what I say there is no time. In the same way there is no such thing as space or as they say our dimension, space bends and contracts, which can be speculation as it remains. Another thing is exactly what is out there, for example a magnetic field-until we knew about it it was not there and we had no idea. In unproven science itself there are seven planes of existence (think of fields) first behind reality is the astral, then the mental field, etc. Many have been to the astral, there are permanent residents (as explained energetic primitives) and recently many teachings and the secret before, posted in the Internet free access. The reason for this is that science has come close to the astral field and is experimenting there in secrecy.