Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 65

I still don't know how, can you teach me?
Take a distinctive phrase in a post and search for it in a native forum search engine. Google returns links to pages and topics, while native search returns links to posts.
Take a distinctive phrase in a post and search for it in a native forum search engine. Google returns links to pages and topics, while native search returns links to posts.
TheXpert: Take a distinctive phrase in a post and search for it in a native forum search engine. Google returns links to pages and topics, while native search returns links to posts.

There is another way, without search. But only moderators (and Victor too) can do that. The circled link has a unique post number.

You take the distinctive phrase in the post and search for it in the native forum search engine. Google returns links to pages and topics, while native search returns links to posts.

it's even simpler.

Look at the source code of the post and see that your post has

<a name="634562">.

it's even simpler.

Look at the source code of the post and see that your post has

Look at what?

is that something we ordinary people can't do?


what-what are we watching?

is that something that we rank-and-file can do?

Of course, we open the code of the page, and there we look.

it's even simpler than that.

Oh, oops, didn't think of that :)
Oh, thanks, I hadn't thought of that :)
That's the only way I figured it out, and until now I've been under the assumption that smart people do things easier :))
granit77: It's the only way I've come up with, and until now I've been thinking, that smart people make it easier :))

I don't need to be clever as I am a moderator. Just looking at the address of the "delete" link.

However, this will not work for old posts, they don't have such a link. You have to go to the source of the page - or search, it will already be cached for sure.

By the way, it's much more convenient in this sense, on the five-root forum, there's a direct link to the post "#". Or is that just for moderators too?


I don't need to be clever as I am a moderator.

into the annals ))