Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 64

Svinozavr 14.05.2012 10:49
It's like when you read those ancient threads and they tell you how you, when you were a kid, shit your pants in front of a big crowd...

Taken from here.

It is a hidden quote. However, I do not remember - where from. It does not matter. In short, I did not invent it. I just remembered.

))) On the other hand... What is our life? Quoting. ))))))))))))))



What is our life? It's all quotations. ))))))))))))))

What can we do, postmodernity...

This is a hidden quote...

A very hidden one. Few people have read Sorokin's early war story 'The Case of the Guardhouse'.
Very hidden. Few people have read Sorokin's early war story 'The Case of the Guardhouse'.

You - knew it! ))))))))))))

Vitya, you can't do that...


You cannot cut them down with an axe.

Reshetov 17.05.2012 10:10


You just understand one thing, the purpose of any research is the approbation of ideas.

And often the most idiotic...

You can't cut it down with an axe.

You have to find a way not to cut it down. A link, please.
You have to find it, too, so you can't cut it. A link, please.
Sorry, uncle, I was in a hurry. The guys helped, they put it in. And competently, right into the post.
Sorry, uncle, I was in a hurry. The guys helped, they put it in. And competently, right to the post.

Wow. Told you, they're great. Nice thread. Thank you.
Sorry, uncle, I was in a hurry. The guys helped, they put it in. And competently, right to the post.

I still don't know how, can you teach me?
I still don't know how, can you teach me?

Yeah, right. It's going to be an advertisement in every post )))