That's interesting - page 6


everything in our world is predictable except ourselves.
let me explain: with sufficient background information and sufficient computational power you can even calculate how the first raindrops will fall on your window pane! Everything is predictable!!! Except for the human decision. Only we homosapiens are capable of making truly random decisions, depending only on our "want". Only we are the only ones who can influence the course of events. Everything else is natural and predictable.
That is the trouble with trading. In the market, each of us (ideally) deals with millions of the same (or even cooler) luck seekers and tricksters, the behavior of each of which is unpredictable. Yes, undoubtedly, the behaviour of the crowd has some regularities and you can play on that, but there are too many tricksters. (take for example aiming fire at targets of elliotniks)

What is the point of all this? Because don't look for market laws where they don't exist, Farnsworth. Neither astrology nor any other bullshit will predict the market. The sum of the great multitude of unpredictable human decisions is ultimately ABHS - additive white Gaussian noise.


What is the point of all this? Because don't look for market patterns where they don't exist, Farnsworth. Neither astrology nor any other bullshit will predict the market. The sum of the great multitude of unpredictable human decisions is ultimately ABHS - additive white Gaussian noise.

There are all kinds of regularities. For example, the proposed material suggests that market activity may correlate with the cycles discovered by Schnoll. However, to suggest that this will determine "where the market will go" seems ridiculous.
market activity can correlate with the cycles found by Schnoll.
I'm sorry, why would they do that?
although... God's ways...
unless adenosine triphosphoric acid decomposition somehow affects adrenaline levels and human decision making...

to Yurixx

Так что не придавай этому графику слишком уж большого значения, он всего лишь отражает активность по сессиям.

Yuri, you might not believe this right away, but I know what this graph reflects, but wait a minute to draw conclusions. Do you think this thread was created by accident? And accidentally, a little later your picture popped up? The great Oogway teaches "Randomness is not random". By the way, here it is:



That's terrible. Nobody cares about the market anymore . Profits, profitability, dividends, reporting, etc., everything that really has an impact is no longer interesting . It's time to turn heads upwards.


That's terrible. Nobody cares about the market anymore . Profits, profitability, dividends, reporting, etc., everything that really has an impact is no longer interesting . It's time to turn heads upwards.

No you don't have to turn your head upwards, just look inside yourself..............................))))))))))))

Oh, and I'll tell you another interesting story from my life. After a rough night, I had a bad headache the next morning. Thank God there was a pharmacy nearby, and I didn't trust hangover remedies, so I decided to make my own happy pill. This is what I had on hand:

- Taurine. Enhances cellular metabolism. Boosts mood.

- Amber acid. To speed up the elimination of under-oxidized products, especially acetaldehyde. Also speeds up the Krebs cycle, promotes more efficient energy exchange between cells.

- L-carnitine. Is an important enzyme for the expansion of fat, the main consumer of which is the heart. It improves and facilitates heart function.

- Ephedrine. Not freely available (but found in my home). Psychostimulant, taken with reluctance in very small doses.

- Aspirin. AKA acetylsalicylic acid, aka acetic acid salicylic ester. Has an analgesic effect (helps with headaches).

- Caffeine, to enhance the effects of the above medicines.

- Kefir with live microorganisms (like bifidoc). Ideal for dissolving the above remedies. By itself possesses important products of biological origin. By itself helps with a hangover.

After making a cocktail and drinking this mixture, I already felt better after a while. I felt better, more optimistic and full of energy. I am sure that in this condition I would trade forex with better results than usual. Of course, I got a hangover for a while, but it went much faster than it would have done by itself. The question is whether it is possible to use medication to improve forex trading. I think so, yes. In any case, it widens the horizons of thinking. I think the topic is related to the one stated by the topic-starter.

No you don't have to turn your head upwards, just look inside yourself..............................))))))))))))

Thanks, I don't smoke.

Read both lectures. Thank you, great material.

It seems to me that the most interesting conclusion from all of this is kind of left out. Everyone seems to be very much focused on cycles.

The preamble to the lectures says: Shnoll's conclusion is that "space, mass and time are connected". However, this is not mentioned in the lectures themselves. That is, it is not clear to me personally how he himself interprets his results.

The fact that gravity affects the passage of time and also distorts space has long been a proven scientific fact. Try climbing the Ostankino Tower and measuring one second. It will be different in time than the second measured by the same clock at its base. The same space - there is no straight line between the star we see in the sky and us. Space is distorted by gravitational waves. We do not see the distortion, for us it is straight line, for light coming from that star it is also straight line, but in the space-time coordinate system itself this straight line is distorted by harvitation. However, on a microlevel the distortions are too insignificant that it would be possible to observe it, therefore it is not quite clear why this preamble to the work devoted to study of proteins (which masses are very and very small) has been said.

What is the point of all this? Because don't look for market laws where they don't exist, Farnsworth. Neither astrology nor any other bullshit will predict the market. The sum of the great multitude of unpredictable human decisions is ultimately ABHS - additive white Gaussian noise.

How many of you are there! Honestly - already annoying. Listen, instead of complaining - better read carefully what is written about. Is it about the fact that I'm going to do astrology? By the way, the author also writes nothing about astrology. It is you who write about it. I have not written a word yet about what I am going to do. Maybe you should stop writing all the time - and start reading, at least sometimes. Or do you think I have nothing to do and think - ask someone smart - what to do, where to start looking for patterns. Fucking... (angry grunt...)