That's interesting - page 5


It's not "flowing", it's "flowing".

Right... But actually my most successful system was based exactly on analysis of 3 currencies relative to the dollar, so the Expert Advisor had to work on 6 pairs, while selecting only one. I missed positive results on all 6 pairs, so I gave up the idea and then lost my Expert Advisor (computer crashed at work). Although not all pairs were working as planned, but I remember exactly, that on EUR and GBP the FP was about 5. In general it is necessary to return to this topic with a new approach sometime.

Watched the show.

The main message is that space and time are interconnected. I.e. at the moment of the same position of bodies in space we can observe statistically the same patterns when measuring data - patterns. A huge quantitative work of measurements has been done and a substantial base of them has been created. On which space-cyclic periods (day, month, year, etc.) are traced at the level of only visual analysis.

This smacks of astrology, which has always been perceived by most (I have been a part of it until now) as quackery. But if the experiments are to be believed, there is at least reason to question it.

The practical applicability of what has been said may at first glance seem impossible. But nothing prevents us from carrying out the following study:

  • Take a time window of size N.
  • Shift it by time M.
  • Overlay such windows on each other (so all shifted from initial time t0).
  • After smoothing (professor smoothed with simple MAchas) look at the resulting patterns.
  • Then check at what values of M the patterns retain their stability.

The idea is very simple. If such constant periods of M (which are mainly associated with astrological periods in professor's works) will be found, it obviously can be applied in trading. And the validity of the astrological approach to trading will be confirmed statistically.


Haven't finished reading the titanic work yet, but perhaps colleagues have come across something similar before. Maybe (only maybe is the key word), Yurixx here:

I'll use his picture, I hope Yuri won't mind. Might be worth taking a look at his research in this vein? If anyone sees Yurixx - invite him in, it would be interesting to hear the physicist's opinion.


Watched the show.


I think this one's better to watch:


Haven't finished reading the titanic work yet, but perhaps colleagues have already encountered something similar.

I was looking at the changes in the correlation coefficient for the same time of day. Visually there is cyclicality.

Generally in the markets such cycles as day, week, month, year can be explained without the above theory. The more non-obvious cycles are worth a look.

We need to check the solar activity :) there is a suspicion that there will be fish :) there is no way it will not affect volatility.

Lecture 1 is a delight. He seems to be a man of rare scientific integrity. He seems to have poo-pooed Engelhardt a little too. But that, too, is an element of honesty, all in harmony.

I heard about BZ's reaction when I was still in school. It struck me to the core.


What I liked best: The author was Simon Elievich Shnoll... - Soviet and Russian biophysicist


I propose to use ATP-ase activity of actomyosin as a non-priced auxiliary indicator. It is enough to take consecutive samples of actomyosin solution or similar proteins from the actomyosin complex, at equal time intervals, the size of the intervals of which should be directly proportional to the trading timeframe. This should produce a cyclic graph of the drug activity, which seems to correlate tightly with the price dynamics of the selected asset. I am sure that using Student's test we can determine the statistical significance of the theory of correlation of fluctuations of actomyosin complex proteins with fluctuations of prices for oil, sugar, gold and currencies. The main thing here is to implement the results of laboratory measurements of activity of the actomyosin complex proteins in the MQL4 language and write an indicator based on them to show these measurements. I think it can be done, but it is very costly in time and resources (lab assistants, chemical laboratory, reagents, scientific justification, etc.).

Read both lectures. Thank you, great material.

It seems to me that the most interesting conclusion from all of this is kind of left out. Everyone seems to be very much focused on cycles.

The preamble to the lectures says: Shnoll's conclusion is that "space, mass and time are connected". However, this is not mentioned in the lectures themselves. That is, it is not clear to me personally how he himself interprets his results.

IMHO, the most amazing thing about these studies is that they show that space is anisoroptic. Schnoll himself seems to attribute this to the inhomogeneity of the gravitational field in which the solar system and the Earth move. But somehow it seems to me that such an explanation is not quite right. Schnoll has not proven this conclusion as far as I understand, so far it is only an assumption. Just as there were assumptions about radioactivity, cosmic ray influence and many, many things that had to be discarded over decades of research. The only thing that remains proven is that it's the direction to the stars that matters, they're all different in their influence on all processes on the Earth. And the fact that the Earth rotates around the Sun and around its axis creates cycles, as it cycles through the same direction changing trajectory in this rotation.

Forced to recall the 24-hour closed cycle of activity of the 12 main meridians of man and the movement of Qi along them.

One is reminded of Tao De Jing: "Man follows Earth, Earth follows Heaven, and Heaven follows Tao".

Sergey, looking at the picture I would also add "and forex follows man". So do not attach too much importance to this chart, it only reflects the activity of the sessions. Thanks for the theme, very interesting and impressive. :-)