That's interesting


Colleagues, I found what I think is a very interesting material. The author is Simon E. Shnol (March 21, 1930, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian biophysicist, historian of Soviet and Russian science. Professor at the Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, former head of the Laboratory of Physical Biochemistry at the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushchino), Doctor of Biological Sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Interests: oscillatory processes in biological systems, theory of evolution, cosmophysical correlations of biological and physical-chemical processes, history of science.

An interesting paper "Cosmophysical factors in random processes". Here is a short quote from the preface:

Some of the established conclusions (I mean those that I at least understood) were a surprise to me.


PS: Maybe check cosmophysics :o)


the scientific basis of astrology?

I can imagine predictions like "Venus in Sagittarius - time to lock in profits" ))))


the scientific basis of astrology?

I can imagine predictions like "Venus in Sagittarius - time to lock in your profits" ))))

No :o). These are predictions made by very serious people, which is disturbing. They have indeed found some regularities, and what a real one! Maybe, something will be useful for quotations.

it seems that the very serious people don't have the slightest idea about gravity, naively comparing it to the currently known electric and magnetic fields, but that's the minutiae.
In essence... If FA does not always make correct conclusions from real assumptions, then space-time fluctuations are definitely not "good enough" for us, traduns
it seems that the very serious people do not have the slightest idea about gravitation, naively comparing it with currently known electric and magnetic fields, but that's trifles.

Are you that quick to figure it out? Where are they comparing it? I did not give a brief biography for nothing, do you think that a professor of biophysics at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University is a complete ...? it seems to me that you do not need to hurry. What's your hurry?

In essence... If FA does not always draw correct conclusions from real assumptions, then space-time fluctuations are certainly not "good enough" for us, traduns

don't tell me, there are real pros among us - they easily squeeze time :o)


You guys are weird... I have two acquaintances whose entire system is based on astrology.

I was shocked when I read the results. There's no other word for it. Quite, talented astrologers.


Where do they compare it?

assuming interference
In general, I tend to believe that any process that is not sufficiently robust or measured with sufficient accuracy is affected by even seemingly insignificant factors
I'm afraid that biophysicists are quite far removed from matstatistics. On the other hand, the matstat does not describe all the diversity of the world.In short, we need to figure out where Shnol got such amazing conclusions. And that, the RANS is a haven for charlatans and other bogeymen.
Oh, my God! What forex has brought us to, as far as the stars. And in fact, everything is brilliantly simple!
Oh, my God! What forex has brought us to, as much as to the stars. And in fact, everything is brilliantly simple!
while natural curiosity
I'm afraid biophysicists are quite distant from matstatistics. On the other hand, a matstat doesn't describe all the diversity of the world.In short, one has to sort out where Schnoll got such astonishing conclusions. And that, the RANS is a haven for charlatans and other bogeymen.
That's true. The conclusions are too fantastic.

The text in the first post reminded me most of the materials of a bioenergetic centre. The general style of such "reports" is to operate with undefined terms, conclusions that are not logically linked to the material presented, and obscurantism. This style, a way of influencing the audience, is also commonly used by various sects.

Yes! And as soon as I see the title academician RAEN, I don't want to read any further. A haven for charlatans. However, sometimes quite worthy people are accepted there by correspondence. For giving weight to this "academy".

Can you read the text, or is it all clear to you? // By golly, it's a shame to waste time on it. I think it should be obvious to everyone here.