That's interesting - page 21


. And how has this understanding been reflected in the model presented?

It was not my intention to lay out everything. I have not even laid out everything in the system. And it takes a long time to write, and what for. Besides, I wrote briefly about the factors that influence it.

. This one so and not so, at the same time. The trap, as usual, is in the interpretation of the terms. In the "mass" mind of dc clients, TA is price analysis. Full stop. simply because these clients have nothing else. And I agree, that shit doesn't work, in that form. In another definition, TA is price and volume analysis (this website says so). But this is already a market, not a decisive forex. And then it turns out that TA works in some places. And if we take the definition that TA is also analysis of interest (again, definition from this site) - the task starts to resemble the one described by traders in their memoirs. In general, depending on the context, I can say "TA sucks" and then "TA rules". And I won't lie once. That's it!

Yes, there are many of such virtuoso interpreters of terms ......

. One quote: "Technical market analysis is the study of the psychology of the stock market crowd. The purpose of technical analysis is to determine the relation of forces between bulls and bears in order to bet on the stronger group." (c) A. Elder - and he is very right old Elder, and notice, nothing about prices, volumes and other things.

And how can one determine the psychology of the crowd, and even in the future, and by the price series, which is no other than martingale? Are you not confused about anything?

. And that brings us back to where we started. To understanding the problem of "what is your process"! or more simply, "what processes are going on in the market?", "who is involved in these processes?" etc. and only then the question "what does price have to do with it and how does it behave".

. And here I am going to write a quote, I am tired of writing everything down: "To answer this question you have to understand what the market is. It is not a box with balls, not a "spherical horse in a vakuum".

On the market different groups of participants work, pursuing various purposes. Their methods of achieving those goals are different, and the frames/periods/scales at which they operate are also different. Also, different instruments will have different ratios between these groups.

Some biotech stock is highly likely to be driven by pump & dump style manipulators or insiders. SP futures are loved by "gender" and big players. ES is being spun by arbs and programmes.

But all this diversity does not negate the fact that the price has a "memory", which is what leads to the floating depth of process marginality. This "memory" may be due to an accumulated position, fanatical adherence to a particular trading strategy, fear/greed, etc.

In order to understand what is happening, you have to get acquainted with the basics of how this market is structured, which groups operate on it, what goals they have, which assets they trade. Next, by reading forums and personal observations you will come to understand the processes that take place on this asset in a given time window. And the application of some apparatus for building estimates - this is the last stage.

Note - as much specificity as possible, financial instruments have their own characteristics .

Stop with your quotes. I have been dealing with TA for many years and I can give you enough of this literary bullshit. You're on your own.

. It's not so simple with FA. I myself am very superficially acquainted with it, so I only know that it analyses various "global" data, which may influence the "price".

What you have written about, all these "what is your process" is answered only by FA. But it really is not that simple. Exactly because of its potential workability, I will be crossing my system with, shall we say, some elements of FA in the future


It's nice to read intelligent people.


It's nice to read intelligent people.

I've been discreetly sent to Humour. But as a local buffoon, I'd like to point out that it's more like "Hunters in the Haven", but without the game.

It's nice to read intelligent people.

Especially about proctologists. (The humour is interesting)

I've been discreetly sent to Humour. But as a local buffoon, I'd like to point out that it's more like "Hunters in the Haven", but without the game.

but a campfire, stars, a cigar, a bottle...

I'm going to get out of your way or I'll get sent...

Mishek, Tantrik, Server30

Where are you going? It's all wrapped up, so don't be shy - come in, make yourself comfortable. It's all yours now. You can empty yourselves. You've been stomping at the door, you poor bastards, you've been patient - this is your finest hour...

Especially the one about the proctologists.

but it's clear, you don't have to repeat it twice.

Mishek, Tantrik, Server30

Where are you going? It's all wrapped up, so don't be shy - come in, make yourself comfortable. It's all yours now. You can empty yourselves. You've been stomping at the door, you poor souls, you've been patient - here it is, your finest hour is coming...

but it's clear, you don't have to repeat it twice.

We don't have time, we're trading.
We don't have time, we're in the market.
Not even on Sunday? Well done!
even on a Sunday? What a good job!
That's how banks work.
That's how banks work.
I won't distract you from your 'can'.