Conversation with a trader - page 16


"CURINEX SYSTEM" - I take it you have to smoke it and it's "livery" on bread?


...and is it "livery" on bread?

Cut it into rounds and fry it with onions.
If your funds are of interest to any of the central banks... you don't need a broker or a dc or even a platform... just an agreement between you and the bank... the technical details can be resolved in many ways and it's a small thing.
Misha, here's a confirmation - Slava is a real trader, right? )) That's who Ritchie should talk to )))

Of course it's real, only the font keeps going up all the time .

We'll wait for the article "How I beat spreads and commissions in the market".

Mish, here's a confirmation - Slava's a real trader, eh? )) That's who Ritchie should talk to ))
We've already talked to him in person
If your funds are of interest to any of the central banks... you don't need a broker or a dc or even a platform... just an agreement between you and the bank... the technical details can be resolved in many ways and it's a small thing.
So it's a give-and-take without a platform... it's like a matchmaking game where you sit and con.
Sorry about the font... I'm just in meta editor all the time... so often I just don't switch the capslock
Who pays the spread to the two banks that trade directly with each other? (to put it simply) and from whose trades the quotes are generated...
of course they get a commission from the client whose money they convert
Sorry about the font... I'm just in meta editor all the time... so often I just don't switch the capslock

give me a link to a place that doesn't have a spread or geographic coordinates or a picture at least
Of course, they will get a commission from the client whose money they are converting
you could say that, although it's a bit more complicated than that...