Why are the "Dear Ones" sending everyone to JOB? - page 9


You have to log in, HideYourRichess.

On the other hand, it's not really clear why you have to be authorised to see the link to the "five" forum...

Exactly. Long live engine improvements.
What I wanted to say is this. I visit quite rarely, so I can see the changes (in subject matter) at once. It's better now, the forum is not as active, which suggests that activity was (increased) at the expense of rubbish. So, the institute of newmods is personally welcome. Don't think of it as sycophancy - I don't want anything from you.
What I wanted to say is this. I visit quite rarely, so I can see changes (in subject matter) straight away. It's better now, the forum is not as active, which suggests that activity was (increased) at the expense of rubbish. So, the institute of newmods is personally welcome. Don't think of it as sycophancy - I don't want anything from you.

The kids have gone to camps and country houses...

This is a great solution, by the way: in the form of creating a new topic, you insert the same banner, and / or text description of the new service.

In addition. There's a handy thing called a userbar, a kind of banner that captures the user's signature in the post. Much more informative than an avatar.

This could be my signature.

Colleagues, I think the actions of the moderators are totally inappropriate. There are two different things moderators should learn to distinguish:

  • The desire to learn MQLs themselves
  • The desire to order the work

All Technical Analysis is utter nonsense, it has never worked, does not work, and will not work. There is only the illusion of it working, some of the time for yourself and some of the time for someone else. But that's no reason for some moderator to classify someone's request as futile. It's not his job at all, as a moderator and even less so as the "vice police".

If the forum has ceased to be a platform for beginners and simply self-taught, then write it in large letters, clearly and understandably, "ORDERING AND PAYING FOR WORK".

to Mathemat


Alexei, you're an experienced person, explain at last what you all so assiduously add, spending entire posts on it. Is a sign (!) a literary amplification or a factorial sign? If it's the second one, then yes - you're cool, everyone is +1 or +100 at most, and here is such a figure....


I analysed my cock with a ruler - small. The ruler - NOT WORKING!!! // The horrors of your forum...

You need to upgrade your skills - use more advanced tools such as a caliper, for example, by clamping the object in a vise. // Advice from an expert))

In addition. There's a handy thing called a userbar, a sort of banner-like signature of the user in the post. Much more informative than an avatar.

The avatars and the signatures are all rubbish. Distract from reading useful information. I'm on practically all forums, the first thing I cut is them:


The avatars and the signatures are all rubbish. They distract from reading useful information. They are the first thing I cut in almost all forums:

Look at you!

Svinozavr, there are rulers and logarithmic rulers. Heh-heh-heh. Anyway, should I continue to respect you, or what?