Why are the "Dear Ones" sending everyone to JOB? - page 4

Who prevents you from doing so? The topic is not deleted, if someone wants to help, they help. We are popularizing a new service, not everyone knows about it. This does not cancel the practice of friendly help.

This is all correct. But there is a subtle psychological point here: Here's a recent thread, for example. The topicstarter writes

I would like to change the CCI indicator that would show values of....

and he gets an answer:

This is where you write


Whatever you say about "promoting a new service", but this answer reads something like this: "They've made a new service especially for you. They'll help you for money and you'll get everything you want.

And reading such advice / answers, or write something to continue the topic "as a friendly help" already do not want - because you think that the author followed my advice and made a topic / application there and this topic and did not follow. But go and look for it somewhere "there" does not want to. The author, however, coming to the JOB sees that "for all you have to pay" slowly souring - he was counting on selfless assistance (well, who among us likes to pay for something that told him what to do and how? :)) ). He understands that the "paid" subject matter he will not get, and in the free ones have nothing to look forward to - it's written in Russian that he wrote the wrong thing. :(

Psychology, tudyoterastak ....

I propose a solution: make a banner (preferably not very garish) is a reminder: here's a great service. And wherever you consider it necessary, just insert it into your response without comment. Graphics, ads looks separately from the text and I described above does not cause any negativity, and do not "choke" a further free communication in the subject.

Good even think of some way to quickly set a cross reference, from a free theme, you can go to the corresponding paid and go back, and the topic itself as a way to mark the list (say it can earn extra money).


Instead of sitting down with charts and looking for patterns, it's a shambles, you know :)


In the past, even when a purely advertising theme emerged during public ridicule and derision of the author, several ideas and fresh thoughts arose in the course of the discussion. Look at old threads - a 200-page advertising thread, of which the last 195 pages are spent by the public without the author (who has been carried forward) discussing a completely different, non-advertising idea that emerged along the way.

And now? Well, it's a publicity stunt, it's clear to everyone. So what? Let me talk. So you killed her, so what? What's the point? Any ideas?

But how solemnly you hacked her down! In one fell swoop! Has it become easier for anyone?

i would venture to guess that the problem is that some of the old timers of the forum left for mql5, some quit doing charity work and giving advice and ideas, and started working for themselves, i dare to suggest that the slavic soul does not tolerate overlords and tries to blame them for all mortal sins at all costs

SZS: As an option, make a theme parallel to the topic about newcomers (there then a ton of rationalization proposals if you sift whining write can not) "Have a new idea, you need to finalize a trading strategy.


This is all correct. But there is a subtle psychological point here: Here's a recent thread, for example. The topic starter writes

and he gets an answer:

No matter what you say about "promoting a new service", the answer reads something like this: "There's a new service made especially for you. They will do whatever you want for money and you'd better write there too!

And reading such advice / answers, or write something to continue the topic "as a friendly help" already do not want - because you think that the author followed my advice and made a topic / application there and this topic and did not follow. But go and look for it somewhere "there" does not want to. The author, however, coming to the JOB sees that "for all you have to pay" slowly souring - he was counting on selfless assistance (well, who among us likes to pay for something that told him what to do and how? :)) ). He understands that the "paid" subject matter he will not get, and in the free ones have nothing to look forward to - it's written in Russian that he wrote in the wrong place. :(

Psychology, tudyoterastak ....

I propose a solution: make a banner (preferably not very flashy) a reminder: here's pending is such a cool service. And wherever you consider it appropriate, just insert it into your response without comment. Graphics, ads looks separately from the text and I described above does not cause any negativity, and do not "choke" a further free communication in the subject.

Good even think of some way to quickly set a cross reference, from a free theme, you can go to the corresponding paid and go back, and the topic itself as a way to mark the list (say it can earn extra money).



He's not really worried. Judging by his reasoning, the man speaks first and thinks later. Or maybe the process is limited to the first step.

And life goes on its way, and the trend of the site does not change...

That's great! Thank you for that! That's from the heart. It could all be, of course. What didn't you like about my argument?

What is this picture? Explain please. I am interested.


this is all correct. but there is a subtle psychological point here.

Psychology, taddya yorastak....

There is some hard truth in what you say. In your example, it wasn't the moderator who sent the author, although it doesn't change the matter. So far I don't see a correct way out of this situation. We will think about it. But later. Right now football is very exciting, we need to watch it. :))

the forum is dead

Rock 'n' roll is dead and I'm not yet :)

I would dare to suggest that the problem is that some of the forum old-timers left for mql5, others gave up doing charity work and giving advice and ideas and started working for themselves, I dare to suggest that the Slavic soul cannot stand overlords and tries to blame them for all mortal sins at any cost

that could be, too. But you, for example, have participated in openly promotional threads. But at the same time, these topics usually ended up with very original and interesting ideas, regardless of the topic you started with. No?

Well, as for the old-timers who were altruistic and naive before, and then grabbed their heads and began to mow dough... ))))) That's pretty naive.


the forum is dead.

and it's a shame...

And there are two reasons for that:

1. If only white and fluffy people would generate new, interesting and original ideas, it would be a fairy tale. And so stayed all very polite and nice and ideas - 0.00

2. New moderators (no offense, you have to take criticism) have a strange idea of their job. Not all, of course. I read a strange statement in one of the threads when a person behaved more or less adequately, but he was accused of rudeness. When he asked for an example of at least one of his boorish posts he was simply banned. I understand that this moderator thought he was perfect, but it was a bit odd to read. You can't accuse a person in such a hollow way. And by the way, this user's thoughts were quite interesting. And the moderator, unfortunately, does not shine...

And in general, it is strange to state when a few users write regularly with defiant expressions. Are they elders? Are they allowed?

Sadly, the forum is dying...

This forum is for people who know or want to know how to work in MT4, here you can (if you want) find everything: ideas, codes and help (for free). And people who need ready-made code without their own brainpower are sent to JOB. And rightly so, they at least start thinking... at least about writing the TOR. It's not easy to put your idea on paper in a way others can understand.

great! Thank you for that! That's from the heart. It could all be, of course. What didn't you like about my argument?

What's that picture? Explain it to me. I'm interested.

You're not interested. You are interested in labeling and contradicting yourself, accusing moderators of all the mortal sins. I hope we didn't ruin the chapel.
