Why are the "Dear Ones" sending everyone to JOB? - page 8


I'll add a screenshot of the "rudeness" of the user and the subsequent "fair" reaction of the moderators.

For the sake of completeness... ;)

I'm talking about FreeLance being banned.

What objectives are you pursuing by posting the screenshot? What objectives? To discredit the moderators? To point out their mistakes? I'm sure you realize you're reopening the discussion of "that" moment. And you know what the outcome was. What do you want? Being banned is elementary. By posting that screen shot, you're only hurting yourself. Hurting yourself at the expense of everyone else?

I see a new forum term was born in the thread, NewMode-readers. :)

by the way, i couldn't find the link to job. where is it?

and no link to the mt5 forum either.


What objectives are you pursuing by posting a screenshot? What objectives? To discredit the moderators? Point out their mistakes? I'm sure you realize you're reopening the discussion of "that" moment. And you know what the outcome was. What do you want? Being banned is elementary. By posting that screen shot, you're only hurting yourself. Hurting yourself at the expense of everyone else?

And what were your aims?

Answer first...

And now you're reveling in your permissiveness.


And what were your aims?

Answer first...

There's no point in continuing this topic. Nothing good will come of it.

I regret that from the first sentence you adopted the same tone that you accuse me of, reread the highlighted passages with a fresh eye.

I took your advice. Reread the whole thing with a fresh pair of eyes this morning. Both what you highlighted and what I highlighted. The result impressed me. And amused, thank you.

I am mainly impressed by the way you interpret the words in your own address. The word respectable, written without inverted commas and expressing my attitude to you without any tricks (!), you perceive as an attempt to insult. By comparison, you wrote about a man 'talks first and thinks later' - right in the forehead. To say that you "became a moderator " while before you were "a mere mortal" doesn't even imply humour, just a simple statement of fact. You put it in a different style: "You are not interested. You are interested in labeling ..."That is, your suspicions are reality.

I don't want to dig into the details and turn our discussion into a bazaar showdown. My task was to draw your attention to the style of communication between moderators and ordinary forumers and I hope I succeeded. Your response, Victor, seems to me to suggest that we understand each other and have drawn the appropriate conclusions. Both of us. If that is the case, then all is well and the goal is achieved. I would like for communication between forum participants and moderators to always be correct and constructive in the future as well. For this you need only one thing: both should listen to each other.

And in general, there is a suggestion. To all, moderators and ordinary members.

When a person here on the forum pursues personal goals: spamming, swearing, pushing advertising, etc., no one, as a rule, do not challenge the actions of moderators. And rightly so. Disputes flare up when questions are raised about the functioning of the forum as a whole, its internal policies and priorities. So, I suggest that disputants, before getting into a debate, should be aware of a simple fact: the opponent's point of view is dictated by the desire for the common good of the forum (if it is his personal interest, then see above). Therefore 1) if it is expressed correctly, one should not take it personally, consider the opponent a malcontent, provocateur, etc. 2) if it exists, there are certain motives for it and one should understand and take them into account 3) if it is constructive, it is all the more worthy of attention 4) if it does not coincide with my own, it is not a reason for a duel, but evidence of the infinite variety of life, only thanks to which we exist.


And what were your aims?

Answer first...

I have no desire to explain myself to you. I have no obligation to answer you either. You are not solving the problem, you are hanging out around the problem. It's not really interesting to throw words around. Your question about my aims will be answered by VOTE of users unambiguously. So I leave your question to the public with a clear conscience.

mine, like this.



I'm talking about FreeLance being banned.

You mean yourself?

Isn't Avatara, FreeLance & Sorento the same character?


You have to be logged in, HideYourRichess.

On the other hand, it's not very clear why you have to be logged in to see the link to the "five" forum...

Why are you guys being so hard on this Sorento? You newmods are oprichniks here, by his own definition. So don't mind him, it's a disease of the mind.