Can it be? - page 32

so what did you want to demonstrate today - "'and' will be later"?
But how many planes can the ring rotate in?
No. The balance curve clearly shows MAs, martins, etc. I was talking specifically about trades. However, there may be other reasons for not providing a balance curve.

No, no, I wasn't talking about transactions. Just the balance curve and the report header without trades.

If you see mahs and martins, it doesn't mean you have figured out the system at all. In addition to the analytical unit itself, any system has a trading decision unit in which any kind of logic can be embedded.

The reluctance to provide a chart with a report header (without deals) indicates either that the author does not have it, or that he has persecution mania in an acute form. A man who sells any golden formula but refuses to back it up with formal evidence of success until the product is purchased is simply brazenly selling some bullshit, in addition to actively using NLP in describing the product.

Mathemat: ..... actively using NLP in product descriptions.

Tell me he also uses hypnosis :) NLP is a way of life when you have these techniques. Let's not talk about that.

I propose to direct the discussion in a different direction - "breakdown of locks" and "combinatorics", and to get away from the topic of selling anyone or anything. Let's stop insulting someone whose system we know nothing about.


It is enough to know two things about him (the author):

1. Doesn't know how to trade.

2. He knows how to sell. Apparently has at least minimal experience of some "herbalife".


3. No morals.

gip: Suffice it to know two things about him (the author): 1. Doesn't know how to trade. 2. He knows how to sell. Apparently he has at least minimal experience of some kind of "herbalism".
Vadim, it is easy to sling mud at a person, especially on the forum. Let's get it over with. It's more difficult to make an EA that breaks the lock. And combinatorics will blow your mind in an hour.


That's your credo, Richie.

I suggest we move the discussion in a different direction - "fixing the scams ".

And then you complain that they don't help you, you don't want to make the slightest effort, the tiniest, microscopic

I was just saying that the level of crooks reflects the level of their victims, on average of course.

Vadim, it's easy to sling mud at someone, especially on a forum. Let's get it over with. It is more difficult to make an EA that breaks the lock. And the combinatorics will blow your mind in an hour.

Why dirty? Absolutely nothing that would offend him, I have not written about him. Please, a minimum of honest engagement on his part, communication on an equal footing, let him say he's offended and I'll apologise.

Moreover, I have observed these technologies on purpose and I still do, even the most correct ones compete in the number of "clients" they handle, it's their excitement and pleasure. They live off of it and do quite well, they consider themselves decent and respectable people.

I think I know better than you, I have experience and I know what I am saying.


No, you don't. It's the excitement of the young. For the experienced, a scam is a routine income. Organized systems have their own "social competitions".

Some systems can be 'unraveled'.

If you are interested, try
Richie: Let's stop insulting a man whose system we know nothing about.

We don't need to know anything about his system. He hasn't provided any data, but he's very active in offering the system. Trust me and buy it and you will be happy!

It's just a statement of fact that speaks volumes about his abilities as a salesman and marketer, but nothing about the system as such.

But still, it looks like there are buyers.

P.S. There's not much data on the web about him (this site was made in April 2010, it seems). Here I found one comment:

I made a Skype call with this dude, he was laughing his ass off! He rubbed me some bullshit and in the background was heard laughing some stoner, like "eat noodles faster, we have withdrawal gnjubas at the end of !!!!" shortly a divorce 101% but if depresnyak breaks you contact - "and the good mood will not leave you more!