EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 689

Where are such works published?

If the classics of wave analysis, their work, then order them in bookstores, if little-known authors, their look on the net, as the Russian-language sites, and bourgeois (there are especially many in various articles, magazines, devoted to wave analysis), As examples of such works, please, Alpari, I forget the name of the author, but he created a beautiful markup of the wave, which is easily understood, (in my opinion, it is better than the classic one for the gold charts), and he kindly explained everything, if he, we asked questions. If you ask him questions, he will explain everything. I will give you another example, a guy from Lviv who proposed to post waves taking into account time of 45 minutes and 2 hours (and other subtleties). There is one more advantage in his approach, but they did not let him explain his system to the end, he was humiliated and ridiculed.

Whoever is interested will always find it. If you need links, I'll send them to you, but not right now, I'm away from the computer and I have a small book with me without the main archive.


If the classics of wave analysis, then order their work in bookstores, if little-known authors, they are looking for on the net, as the Russian-language sites, and bourgeois (there are especially many in various articles, magazines posvedveschennom wave analysis), As examples of such works, please, Alpari, I forget the name of the author, but he created a beautiful markup of the wave, which is easily understood, (in my opinion, it is better than the classic one for the gold charts), and he kindly explained everything, if he, we asked questions. If you ask him questions, he will explain everything. I will give you another example, a guy from Lviv who proposed to post waves taking into account time of 45 minutes and 2 hours (and other subtleties). There is one more advantage in his approach, but they did not let him explain his system to the end, he was humiliated and ridiculed.

Whoever is interested will always find it. If you need links, I will throw, but not now, I am away from the computer and I have with me a small book without the main archive.

I will be grateful for the links, and as for your price of 1, it will be 1.6 in a year.
links would be appreciated, and as for your price 1, in a year's time there will be a 1.6

.......))))))) I'm not insisting on anything. I, like everyone else, have two main differently oriented options and a few secondary ones. One of the primary, I have voiced, but what will actually happen soon we will know....))))) We are working with PROPOSALS.....))))))), the option I voiced seems to me to be the most promising scenario at the moment, and I have justified it, and there....))))))) Waiting for......

....... ))))))) I don't insist on anything. I, like everyone else, have two primary options and several secondary options. I have voiced one of the major ones, but we will soon find out what actually happens....))))) We are working with PROPOSALS.....))))))), the option I voiced seems to me the most promising at the moment and I have justified it, and there....))))))) Waiting for......
a medium term move down, through a move up and then up again, america has a very large national debt, the currency will fall
There will be a medium term move down, through a move up and then back up again, America has a very large national debt, the currency will fall

I hear you....)))))) no need to convince me, just as I am not convincing you of anything. Count that way, count that way, but to state so categorically (up-down-down-down-up), causes only.....)))))))))))))

That's it. Good night.

Gentlemen... What just happened? It's the first time I've seen a spike like that on a Monday morning... Can someone tell me what this "antics" has to do with?
Gentlemen... What just happened? It's the first time I've seen such a spike on a Monday morning... Can someone tell me what this "antics" has to do with?
Paradise for arbitrage....
arbitrage.txt  51 kb
Who was going down there???? patience, we may well go.....
Gentlemen... What just happened? It's the first time I've seen such a spike on a Monday morning... Can someone tell me what this "antics" has to do with?

Looks like a desperate attempt to push down against the will of the market and the market wants to go up after all.
Gentlemen... What just happened? This is the first time I've seen such a spike on a Monday morning... Can someone tell me what's the reason for these "weirdos"?

It's hard to know who's being weird, isn't it? And why are the quotes so different?