What happened to Doe last night? - page 14

FreeLance >>:

Так что?

В кусты? ;)

Why the bushes? Critics! I asked for your version, and when you publish it, I'll shoot from ambush.

By the way, I've been waiting. Please, please, please.


MetaDriver >>:

Ну почему в кусты? В критики! Вот я вашу версию спросил, а как опубликуете, так я из засады и пальну.

Кстати, уже заждался. Просим-просим.


after the holidays...

if the Slavic mindset remains...

Lao Tzu teaches, "Those who speak do not know...

Those who know do not speak!"

but hints.

IgorM >>:

имхо - в этом мире есть два пути быть лучше других: или быть умнее - и творить; или быть хитрее и первых смешивать с грязью

Eh! What the holidays do to people! )))

The main thing is not to be worse than you can be, not better than someone else. In other words, it makes sense to be yourself.


Ugh. The banality makes me sick...)))

IgorM >>:
имхо - в этом мире есть два пути быть лучше других: или быть умнее - и творить; или быть хитрее и первых смешивать с грязью

Oh, come on. There are many more ways. In the mood, I once made a classification like this in an Internet forum:

Start of quotation ----<<<
So. Levels of Lettersmithing. Volume1
(Achieving "Power" in a class conditionally moves to the next
class. Losing a grade discards to the previous Grade).

  • 0) Simple One-Dimensional P.
    ("Vulgar-Aberrated" level. "Spiritlessness")
    No comment required. Requires a ruler. :(
  • 1) Simple One-Dimensional-"Spiritual" (in inverted commas)
    Inversion cl. 0.Also requires a ruler. But the winner is assigned
    by the inverted criterion. (The pattern is a giveaway game).
  • 2) Difficult One-Dimensional - "Spiritual".
    The masters of the first two classes play without agreeing in advance
    which of the two games will be played. The one who has more exact,
    earlier and louder diagnosis of another's game (i.e. proof,
    that "in fact" partner is of a lower class) wins. :))
  • 3) Simple Two-Dimensional.
    Playing masters in the first three classes. Proves their own
    not involved in the game 2. The winner is the first one who is thinner,
    earlier and louder to "catch" his partner in an attempt to "diagnose".
    (Thus it is considered proved that the partner belongs
    to class 2. I.e. a class below) :)
  • 4) Simple Two-Dimensional-"Spiritual"
    Played by masters in the first four classes. Partners demonstrate
    each other's ability to diagnose games of class 3.
    The winner is the one who first subtle, earlier and louder will catch the partner
    in wrong diagnostics. I.e. in failing to achieve the "might" of class 3. :)
  • 5) Complex Two-dimensional-"Spiritual"
    Playing masters in the first five classes. Partners defiantly
    REALLY self-diagnose in themselves the play of class 4.
    The winner is the one who is the first to subtly, earlier and louder to accuse the partner
    of trying to "help in the correct self-diagnosis". (in "failing to be")
    I.e. in failing to achieve "rejection" ("freedom") of the class 4 games. :)
  • 6) Simple Three-dimensional (Vulgar Esoteric)
    The players "covertly" help each other in self-diagnostics of games cl. 5.
    In this case the "level of covertness" is smoothly adjusted.
    The loser is the one who first said "thanks" i.e. tried
    to accuse the partner in "non-delusion of being". "Proving" thereby
    their "involvement" in the lower 5th grade. :)
  • 7) Simple Three-Dimensional "Spiritual" (True-Esoteric)
    Players regularly say "thank you" to everyone they can, while
    watching each other closely. The one who loses
    is the one who accuses the other of "insincerity", i.e. claiming a higher
    qualification in the Cl. 6 games, which proves his involvement. :)
  • 8) Complex Three-Dimensional-"Spiritual" (Workshop-Esoteric)
    Players congruently laugh at attempts to incriminate them in games
    cl. 7. The loser is the one who failed to laugh "congruently",
    or escaped - i.e. is a hidden adept of Class 7. :)

    End of Volume 1.

    Waiting for orders for volumes 2-12.

>>>---end quote
Svinozavr >>:

Эх! Чего праздники с людьми делают! )))

Главное, не быть хуже, чем можешь, а не лучше кого-то. Др. словами - имеет смысл быть собой.


Тьфу. Аж самого от банальности замутило...)))

Follow the path of the Glorious Urus!

The roots are not forgotten.

Richie >>:

Хочу пожелать нам всем такую армию, которая не будет представлять для нас опасность :)

what is this fart about?

FreeLance >>:

к ЧЕМУ ЭТОТ пук?

It seems to be a glitch

nikat97 08.05.2010 23:53
FreeLance >>:
what is

this fart about?

Looks like a glitch.
of a Merino bot a la Cimes-progurr.
Togo thank god! calmed down....
http://blogberg.ru/blog/11057.html Reporting from the scene.
MetaDriver >>:

Итак. Уровни Писькометрии. Том1


You seem to have mastered Stephens' classification of games to perfection.