What happened to Doe last night? - page 4

IgorM >>:

а статистика банальна - существующей экономической моделью мира рулит горстка людей, найдите на торрентах фильмы америкосов про "Обман Обамы" и т.п. по тематике, начав смотреть этот завуалированый экшн, главное не останавливайтесь в поиске похожих тематик, Вы многое поймете, почему некоторые страны то сближаются, то удаляются, а зачем нужно воевать чтобы воевать и т.п.

You are talking about macroeconomics - no one is arguing that, so be it. It's just that "they" don't run five-minute bars. Not even the daily ones.

And then...)) You think "they" don't obey global laws? )))

Richie >>:

Я не про вас говорил. Лично у меня к вам, как и к любым другим участникам форума претензий никаких нет. Я говорю вообще.
Моё мнение: фибы - это го...но, развод. Если я не прав, дайте ссылку на факты, это опровергающие.
PS: домкрат у вулкана - это один из примеров образного мышления.

Richie, even if it means me, I'm not offended, you know, I'm not cold or hot from it. I just go and see people getting aggravated, let me think too get aggravated for something ))). But seriously, I drew some conclusions for myself and you should seriously understand as a psychologist that baseless imaginative thinking is not very good, you can invent so many things that it becomes unclear what to do with this "good" next. Even in your main profession there is logic, only about something else and it is called psychOLOGY, so you do not think about the chain of human thoughts with images of, say, sausage, well, in this case why do so.

Mathemat >>:
Какая же это иллюзия, Алекс... Просто их надо правильно готовить.

I've been studying the fibo levels. There are beautiful moments, as Svinozavr said - even on M1 - that's a fact. But it's all a fluke. It's just that our psychology seems to be such that we want to see these beautiful moments. In reality there are much more moments where fibs don't work, as there is no reason why they should work.
I came to this conclusion when I started experimenting with other odds, completely "left-handed". And saw that there were moments just as badass! Then I closed my eyes and put a horizontal line from the ballpark. And immediately my eyes fell on the moment when the price touched this line with the exact point...

In my trading I absolutely do not use Fibo coefficients in any calculations.

Alex5757000 писал(а) >>

In my trading, I absolutely do not use Fibo ratios in any calculations.

Your right... >> your right... everyone sees and represents the market differently. the way they can, the way they feel comfortable with it. but that doesn't stop the "other" systems from working. no matter how you look at it, the "price is the same for everyone"... ( like clouds... - exist independently of our consciousness but everyone sees them differently. some do not see anything at all :) )

DDFedor >>:

Ваше право... каждый видит и представляет рынок по свОему. так, как может, так как комфортно ему его воспринимать. но от этого "другие" системы не перестают работать. как ни крути, а "цена для всех одна"... ( как и облака... - существуют независимо от нашего сознания, но каждый в них видит свое. кто-то вообще ничего не видит :) )

I agree with you. Everyone has their own intelligence, their own view of the market and their own level of awareness of what is happening in the market.
DDFedor >>:

Ваше право... каждый видит и представляет рынок по свОему. так, как может, так как комфортно ему его воспринимать. но от этого "другие" системы не перестают работать. как ни крути, а "цена для всех одна"... ( как и облака... - существуют независимо от нашего сознания, но каждый в них видит свое. кто-то вообще ничего не видит :) )

And then there are those who simply know that clouds are water condensing from a gaseous state and they are not motivated to do anything unless they are meteorologists or people going outdoors.

Svinozavr >>:

Вы говорите об макроэкономике - тут никто не спорит, пусть так. Только "они" ведь не рулят пятиминутными барами. Даже дневными.

Да и потом...))) Вы думаете, "они" не подчиняются глобальным законам? )))

You're absolutely right, but don't think I'm trying to talk about the Masons or anything like that, it's trivial - here's the thing:
a little digression - it was a long time ago, I had to work as an office manager in a fairly large trading company, after another quarter came the chief well and handed out ..., handed out with the words - you ... yes we ... and the very essence - we live with the turnover, indeed, the firm constantly rotated with large loans, but in the end, after many years, merged, because the new accountant, for some reason - decided, for school: goods-money goods, not just a turnover on the turnover.
The existing economic model is unambiguously transformed, because the existing money flows do not have the necessary profit, the last crisis was a failed attempt at a new direction of funds flows, namely funds, not goods, the issue here is not in the U.S., not in China, but in the new transit (remember history, who in ancient times was the richest - the caravan drivers, because their trade routes were everything). And it is in the direction of money flows that the next crisis is, by the way, Arabs do not participate in these global plans, because they do not fit well into the modern macromodel. And as a confirmation of my vision of the global economic model, from the point of view of an average citizen of RF - remember last year, what presidents of all countries were saying - like "the problem is in the blood vessels of the economy - the banks, we will help them, they will help everybody" - where the commodity-money-commodity model is? And you're talking about global laws, globalization, which by the way has nothing to do with Runet's world view, is a pretty serious problem with the current economic model. How hard do you think it is to crash the market of a country that does not have a freely convertible currency, i.e., a currency that participates in world trade, not in the sense of having to buy it, but in the sense of being a cache? And given that the country is not pegged to precious metals (like the Arabs), but simply sets its rate based on the existing rate of foreign currencies and the rate of intra-trade activity and the rate set by the central bank for its own reasons - that is, the domestic currency rate is not pegged to anything - pure speculation with no fear of punishment
ZS: Sorry for the inaccuracy - I am not an economist
Oh, come on... both of you... There is a different context for every right. There are times (and probably more) when Fibo levels and - extensions (D-levels) are completely out of the box. There are moments when they are frightfully ))) accurate - I want to hang a picture of this rabbit breeder by the monitor (L. Fibonacci derived the series when observing the reproduction of rabbits) and pray for him. At such moments clearly understand that "rabbits are not only valuable fur ..." )))
In short, all in good time, its own market.
Svinozavr >>:

left the very essence of your post - really just the market, just like in my TS movement and nothing more, as it is already starting to bring its profits :)
ZS: but what is the essence of my TS - the market is predictable, and even in the necessary sequence of news to move this market, since you cannot stop this machine, but you cannot accelerate it, like in recent years, either
IgorM >>:

оставил саму суть в Вашем посте - действительно просто рынок, просто как в моей ТС движение и ничего более, т.к. это уже начинает приносить свой профит :)
ЗЫ: но что в сути моей ТС - рынок предсказуем, и даже в необходимой последовательности новостей, чтобы двигать этот рынок, т.к. останавливать эту машину нельзя, но и разгонять, как в последние годы, тоже

))) You are a genius editor!


I don't even know what to say about the previous post. I was referring to slightly different laws. But that's OK... Never mind...

By the way, if you are interested in macroeconomics, it is quite interesting to read Yasin. Have a look at Khazin (Neocon). There are others, of course.