What happened to Doe last night? - page 16

I listened to the report - it's a nightmare how nervous they are)) to hell with that kind of trading :-)
Prival >>:
вот думаю будет полезно.

они будут думать а нам думать нужно еще лучше.

So that's who the speculator is!))) What's there to think about, they won't come up with anything anyway. The key word there, of course, is speculator, but it does not tie in with the case. I wonder how to distinguish a speculator from a non-speculator? Are hedge funds, asset management companies, importers also speculators? Or maybe speculators made the problems in Greece too? And of course the stock market on Thursday also collapsed by speculators. The great power is speculators! If it were that easy, would it not be so easy to ask (or warn) the speculators to pull back Dov Jones and stabilize the euro? And it's OK for politicians to find the culprit, especially since who knows who the speculators are!
Generally speaking, a person holding securities for less than 3 years already qualifies as a speculator. At least, they no longer call him an investor.
But here...))
Nothing will happen to the Dow hanging around between the 62nd and 50th levels and up.
Waiting for a bottom on the eu, moving into production.
Speculators are the same as investors. The assets we buy and sell do not come out of nowhere. Remove speculators from the system and the volume of the stock market would fall by half. By the way, there are just as many complaints about investment activity as there are about speculative activity.
There is a joke in FX: an investor is a failed speculator.
In forex you can also buy currencies for speculation purposes and they keep going down. You cannot close the position (here it is the bottom! - it is almost a disease), and you become an investor. You say to everyone - I invested in the Euro for the long term, and with a condescending smile look down on the small stuff... at the speculators.
Svinozavr писал(а) >>
In forex you can also buy a currency for speculation purposes, but it keeps going down. You cannot close the position (here it is the bottom! - it is almost a disease), and you become an investor. You say to everyone - I invested in the Euro for the long term, and with a condescending smile look down on the small stuff... at the speculators.
Svinozavr >>:
На ФР есть шутка: инвестор - это неудавшийся спекулянт.
На форе тоже можно купить с целью спекуляции какую-нибудь валюту, а она - сцуко - вниз идет и идет. Позу закрыть сил нет (вот оно - дно! - это почти заболевание), и ты становишься инвестором. Всем так и говоришь - я инвестировал в евру на долгосрочку, и со снисходительной улыбкой смотришь свысока на мелочь пузатую... на спекулянтов.

+ :))


Excerpt (emphasis added):

Тем не менее, через несколько минут после его операций акции некоторых компаний по всей стране начали резко падать. В итоге регуляторы рассматривают вероятность того, что именно торговля фьючерсными контрактами могла стать катализатором раскручивания всей этой спирали.

Read more: http://news.mail.ru/politics/3796873/

Yes, I read a short report last night and can't find it now. The bottom line is that it seems to be accepted that everything was within the norm, the deals will not be renegotiated. Sort of just an unusual market situation.