What happened to Doe last night?

I don't actually follow him, but I saw him on the news today:

Snob link is right here.
Here's another picture - from MT4:

What, what? Fuck everyone)))) Euro-dollar 1 to 1. Get ready ))))

LeoV >>:

Что, что? Писец всем ))) Евро-доллар 1к 1. Готовься ))))

Well, there's a gap and a black Thursday for that.
IgorM >>:

ну для этого есть гэп и "черный четверг"

Does it look like Black Thursday has been followed by Black Friday? DJI is going down. Although there was an uptick in the beginning.

LeoV писал(а) >>

What, what? Fuck everyone)))) Euro-dollar 1 to 1. Get ready ))))

not 1 to 1 but 1 to 0.9450

And here's another observation - for Fib fans:

As you can see, the sharp move down was exactly 61.8% up from the low to the all-time high. And the week is almost at 50%. That's probably how it's going to close. Mysterious...
Here you go, Alexey. If we return to your belief ("pharmacy around the corner" - remember?)) that "everything is a smart number" as far as the market is concerned, then you should agree - it is impossible to predict such developments based only on CD analysis. Ok - on large TFs - maybe (like a fluctuation, right?))), but even on the daily ... brrr-rr.

Hence the tactic of "following the market" rather than "predicting" it.

Yes. And phibs work. Surprisingly, even on M1.
I don't really believe in them.
but after studying larry pessavento's work.
i have a lot of respect for the phoebes =)
but i still don't believe in them =)
maybe i don't know how to put them on?
I think it's Buffett and Gates.
CoreWinTT >>:
я в них особо не верю
но после изучения трудов ларри пессавенто
я ваше конкретно зауважал фибы =)
но всеравно особо не верю =)
может я не умею их натягивать???

Read DiNapoli too, if you haven't read it. There's a lot of practical stuff in there.