What happened to Doe last night? - page 11

If the "inattentive" trader made a mistake, very good! He sold 16 billion, got 1.5 billion on sale, and then bought 0.5 billion... What a lucky sale! He must have invited all major players to a corporate event! And he collapsed the market.

Well, if a trader is so wrong - respect to him as a speculator!
I would not be surprised if he put limits at the bottom of the candlestick (or a group of other traders who colluded with him).
I should have thrown some money into his PAMM!
dimeon >>:
Надо в его ПАММ денег вкинуть!


Bourgeois traders are very afraid of stock market crashes, beaten repeatedly. Once again, I personally find the triggering of many automatic exits to be quite natural. Regardless of the original reason for this move.
MetaDriver писал(а) >>

My scholasticism is on point. // You can kick, but not to the death.

In the background of sluggish market growth in the post (?) crisis period, most machines are set to go short during sharp swings (whether down or up). Like we sell on the upside (stat-arbitrage), and sell on the downside (you never know...). I.e. we buy only on the slow growth.

In this case an increase of market volatility could easily cause a chain reaction of automatons going crazy (?). Which it did.

Don't oversimplify the industry. It's not a network of gamblers with machines)))
Of course, there is a certain layer of ultra fast runners where speed of access to the stock market decides everything. And the aggregate volume of short-term automated trades is growing every day due to multiple turnovers. But the amount of money in this industry is limited by the liquidity created by the bigger fish. It's like sticking after sharks or whales. You can't have too many of them. Exactly as many as necessary - natural selection. They don't create traffic - they parasitise slightly on other people's traffic.

Which of them lost?
Everyone who didn't listen to Markovitz or Reshetov.
So it's retail again.
On forex too.
But if the theme continues - Swiss Bank is again in the red at the end of the year.
Avals >>:

упрощать индустрию не надо. Это не сеть гэмблеров с автоматами)))
Конечно, есть определенная прослойка сверх быстрого забегания, где все решает скорость доступа к биржевому стакану. И суммарный объем краткосрочных автоматизированных сделок растет с каждым днем за счет многократного оборота. Но объем денег в этой индустрии ограничен ликвидностью создаваемой более крупной рыбой. Это как прилипалы за акулами или китами. Их не может быть слишком много. Ровно столько сколько нужно - естественный отбор. Они не создают движения - они слегка паразитируют на чужих движениях.

The stock market, it's capitalisation. It is not just the big players. It is to a large extent medium and small market players, either independently or in different structures. But their technology is the same.
Avals >>:

Они не создают движения - они слегка паразитируют на чужих движениях.

forex trader with a deposit of less than 100k = parasite --> that's us = parasites :)
Avals >>:

упрощать индустрию не надо. Это не сеть гэмблеров с автоматами)))

That's for sure. There is a certain liquidity on the exchanges (to go short, you need to find an order to go long with the same volume), there are technical indicators that should stop the trading, there are many arbitrage machines. That's why the collapses happen, but not so fast and not so much along the whole front and, as a rule, they end up with trading suspension.

You can look at the history of 2008 on the same DJI, almost all securities except MCD have fallen. But all have fallen at different times during the year and under specific fundamentals - companies' earnings reports, or rather losses.

gip писал(а) >>

The stock market, it's capitalisation. It is not just the big players. It is to a large extent medium and small players in the market, either on their own or in different structures.

Of course, but they are so heterogeneous that synchronised action is unlikely on such a global scale. After all, we need to understand what unites them - what idea made them act in sync. Go in lines to sell on all fronts)))) This kind of sanction is not inherent in the crowd)))
IgorM писал(а) >>

Forex trader with a deposit less than 100k = parasite --> it's us = parasite :)

not at all. plankton is also necessary. remove plankton from the food chain... all the whales will die! :)