LET'S SAY THAT ... - page 34


Who is smarter than Chikatilo or Stalin? And which one is smarter? Can you feel the difference?

Tantrik >>:

Вернись назад на несколько страниц прочитай... обсуждался ум, разум и возвращаяся с чётким вопросом ок?

Well don't poke me where to go back and what to read... I read the whole thread... it's gone philosophical. So I philosophize to the best of my ability. Your telling me what to read and where to read it is completely irrelevant...
In addition to "intelligence" and "savvy" - there is the ability to "speak" or "silence" where necessary and where not necessary, so as not to look like a plug in the hole - for which the thread is not suitable.

Tantrik and lexandros, no need to swear, you are traders.
avatara, OK, I admit credit to mankind, but I wish he had invented a cure for cancer, it would have been more useful

Richie >>:

Tantrik и lexandros, не нужно ругаться, вы же трейдеры.
avatara, ладно, признаю заслугу перед человечеством, но лучше бы лекарство против рака изобрёл, больше бы пользы было.

Do it.
If you can.
Don't provoke the forum.
It would do you more good.
Makes sense ;)
Richie >>:

Кто разумнее Чекатило или Сталин? А кто из них умнее? Чувствуете разницу?

The difference is enormous... Stalin was moving deliberately towards his goal, and all his actions were thought out and calculated, and had definite goals. Chikotilo acted on his instincts, without any goals at all.
Although the result seems to be similar on the surface, the motives are very different
avatara писал(а) >> Do it. If you can. Don't provoke the forum.

I can't do it, I'm a different kind of guy. He's a mathematician, he could count atoms in molecules.
And I do not provoke the forum, I just communicate with nice people.

Stalin's intellectual capacity is higher than that of Chikatilo. But, mind? One killed half a hundred people. The other, so many that no one can say exactly how many, maybe 1 million, maybe more.

Tantrik писал(а) >> And they say Stalin had persecution mania, maybe he was sick too.

>> So, a healthy person could not do such a thing.

Tantrik писал(а) >>

But in general he did a lot for the Victory! And Beria - he managed to evacuate the heavy industry behind the Urals and the nuclear bomb was his responsibility for development and timing.

He would have done a lot for the victory, if he had pulled the trigger during a meeting with Hitler. He didn't do it, our grandfathers did.
rumata1984 >>:

Серьезно, есть практическая польза от такого чтения? Кроме шуток?

From reading, I don't think so. Only from application. Although there is no harm in reading either.