Redrawing - good or bad. - page 10

Sum of all elements / per number = Value of the mushroom. <br/ translate="no"> We have two problems :

The first is to which position in the index you want to assign the Mach value.
And the second is how to calculate the waving in option (2)

There is a simple answer for the first one. Since we have a pair of values X and Y, X is price Y is time. The average value
for X is given above, for Y we have to calculate the same. That is, since we have a two-dimensional space, the point has
two coordinates - ... The first problem has been solved.

S, I'm really not sure I understand anything - and I'm not saying this to make it on purpose. It's not easy to understand your explanations, they're always full of innuendo and innuendo.

If you mean that the muving value should be referred to the middle of the time window, then I get your point. If you don't - then sorry, I'm not a telepath.

But in this case half of period around current time will simply not be calculated. But in the history the muv will not be lagged.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

S, I'm really not sure I understand anything - and I'm not saying this on purpose. It's not easy to understand your explanations, they're always full of innuendo and innuendo.

If you mean that the muving value should be referred to the middle of the time window, then I get your point. If you don't - then sorry, I'm not a telepath.

But in this case half of period around current time will simply not be calculated. But in the history the muv will not be delayed.


Everything is literal.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

S, I'm really not sure I understand anything - and I'm not saying this on purpose. It's not easy to understand your explanations, they're always full of innuendo and innuendo.

If you mean that the muving value should be referred to the middle of the time window, then I get your point. If you don't - then sorry, I'm not a telepath.

But in this case half of period around current time will simply not be calculated. But in the history the muv will not be delayed.

It's not just possible, it's mathematically explained why.
Redrawing is just a way of displaying it. Any redrawing indicator can be turned into a fixed indicator using certain logic.
If you mean that the muving value should be referenced to the middle of the time window, then I see what you mean. <br / translate="no">
Is this true or not, S?
The way you "explained" case (2), I am not talking about.
The second has several solutions and some solutions have sub-variants of their own.

1) we extrapolate
2) we use the values we have. That is 12 13 14.

In the first case, you can extrapolate a mask - for example by linear extrapolation, or you can extrapolate the price.
There are many variants.

** Hence we have the obvious conclusion that all the mask values after the boundary will be redrawn.


Sabluk. The cats have gone small - but the money is big. :)
*** Do you guys have split personalities now? :)))

Mathemat писал(а) >>
Is it or isn't it, S?
The way you 'explained' case (2), I'm not talking about anymore.

It's trivial, and that's exactly what it says. It is said to be trivial and there is no point in explaining further how and what can be extaroled. Why is it said - well, to show what a pre-paint - BUT by the way TMA (iML3) extrapolates nothing - it is essentially redrawn the same way as the fractals. Do you know how they are redrawn?


SProgrammer писал(а) >>

I still don't get a flight. So I'm going to tell you about the mashes.

Sum of all elements / per number of elements = Value of the scales.

We have two problems:

The first is to which position in the index you want to assign the value.
And the second is how to calculate the value in (2).

For the first one there is a simple answer. Since we have a pair of values X and Y, X is the price Y is the time. The average value
for X is given above, for Y we should calculate the same. That is, since we have a two-dimensional space, a point has
two coordinates - ... The first problem has been solved.

The second has several solutions, and some of the solutions have their own sub-solutions.

1) we extrapolate
2) we use the values we have. That is 12 13 14.

In the first variant, you can extrapolate a machine - for example by linear extrapolation, or you can extrapolate the price.
There are many variants.

** Hence the obvious conclusion is that all values after the boundary will be redrawn.

Did you understand what you wrote? What has that got to do with the dash? Redrawing can be performed by any indicator, if it looks into the future and if it recalculates the values from the first bar and higher. I have a feeling you mean something cryptic and secretly unclear by the word redraw )))).

LeoV писал(а) >>

Do you understand what you're saying? What's that got to do with the dummy? Any indicator can redraw, as long as it looks into the future and recalculates values from the first bar and above. I think you mean the obscure-secret something by the word redraw )))).

Stop talking in clichés - like "looking into the future" :)
** Leo do you believe I understand maths better than you? And programming? I hope so, if you need to understand a problem (i highly doubt it, i think you just need some flooding) either trust me and ask someone ( nice and calm Piggy :)) I'm tired of explaining.
** If you don't know how to use something but you know how to use _only_ something else, alas - but that just means you haven't mastered the subject enough.

I think me and .... Swine :) have said enough to understand - no more spiel from me.

** And Leo, stop writing newbies' lies - they'll read you and think you're right - Wouldn't you be ashamed, in fact, that you misled the ice people?

Anyway - I'm kind of personally not replying to you any more on this topic because I think you're the only one who doesn't get it. I'm sorry.