Does the Grail exist? - page 197


But no one can forbid anyone to trade on the real forex market... with any deposit...

the elementary thing: set up an electronic bank account and buy or sell and exchange both currency and precious metals at your own discretion for the purpose of speculation and profiteering on exchange rate differences... this will be your direct participation and access to the direct forex market, without intermediaries like DTs, brokers, dealers, etc ...


Right, a normal average person trades in foreign exchange futures (quotes similar to forex) or commodity futures or something else.

We have different definitions of a "normal normal man. On the currency futures exchange, the minimum contract is in the millions.

But no one can forbid anyone to trade on the real forex market... with any deposit...

elementary thing: open an account at an electronically managed bank and buy or sell and exchange both currencies and precious metals at your own discretion for the purpose of speculation and profiting from price differences... this will be your direct participation and access to the direct forex market, without intermediaries like DTs, brokers, dealers, etc ...

1. in forex, there is a minimum size of a contract. On the brokerage houses there is no such thing. By opening a $100 bank account, the bank cannot physically withdraw your money into the forex market. That is why banks create DCs - for retail clients.

2. You can't do without intermediaries in any case. Even if your deposit is $10 000 000, the bank that will give you access to Forex is an intermediary. The spread is the bank's commission for the intermediary.


You and I have different concepts of the "normal average person". In the currency futures market the minimum contract is in the millions.
The dealer takes you as a client because he gives you leverage (for futures contracts sometimes up to 40), although it's true, out of mercantile interests...
And by the way, the bank provides you with so-called leverage, which is really just a loan. And the leverage in real forex at the bank pays a fee (%).

1. in forex there is a minimum contract size. At a brokerage company there is no such thing. By opening a $100 bank account, the bank cannot physically withdraw your money for forex. That is why banks set up dealing desks - for retail clients.

2. you can't do without an intermediary in any case. Even if you have a deposit of $10,000,000, the bank that gives you access to forex is the intermediary. Spread - this is the bank's commission for the intermediary

You do not understand that buying or exchanging currency in a bank, you are one of the many millions of shapers of the quotes? i.e. the ratio of supply and demand... while CDs are created for other reasons, like a casino or any gambling business is profitable - a priori!
dealer takes you as a client because he gives you leverage (for futures sometimes up to 40) although it's true even from his own mercenary interests...

what dealer?

You and I have different concepts of the "normal average person". On a currency futures exchange, the minimum contract size is in the millions.

You are slightly mistaken, the contract size for sterling is £62,500.
Don't you understand that when you buy or trade currency in a bank, you are one of millions of price shapers? i.e. the correlation of supply and demand...

If you have enough money to enter the real forex market, then by opening a position at your request, the bank will form the price through changes in supply and demand on the forex market. Yes. What do you mean by that?

Do you think that by opening a position in a brokerage company with a deposit of $500 and a leverage of 1:500 you influence the price of the real forex market?


you are slightly mistaken, the Pound Sterling contract size is £62,500.

Where and who? What do you mean?