Does the Grail exist? - page 201

Hmm... three already.

Vladislav, I beg to differ with you, look at me since 2006 on this forum and how many messages ...?, One fifth of them just for today

In general, you have to work and not to flounder, which is exactly what I do.

Well one does not prevent the other!!!
One does not preclude the other!

100% a hindrance unequivocally, tested on my own experience
Why aren't you a Rothschild?

I'm not Rothschild and she was so happy

Love a rich troop hero ))))

eta... guys, mija Valodja, I believe in grail, martin and loki. very nice, very nice....
come on in, come on in.... do you have an invitation? -Where do you think you're going?
I'm going to have another drink and then I'll tell you the secret of the grail.
Come in, come in.... Do you have an invitation? -Where do you think you're going?
tantric-feature control
Tantric Fae Control

Do you have a bottle? Come on - we'll drink from the grail!

What was that, a light out or a headbutt? I hope they didn't steal the grail in the dark....

So, as a codified person, a non-alcoholic one for me, please!

Don't touch the exhibits! Always those security guards watching porn on the accounting department computers and forgetting to close them, or drinking vodka from the grails.
there is nograil