Does the Grail exist? - page 125

leman писал(а) >>

Yeah, so life isn't used properly either. Enlighten me about the meaning of life. :)

>> Pour it on!
Andrei01 >>:
Просто есть вещи где математика не применима чисто с научной и математической точки зрения, а именно для предсказания будущего. Разве это не очевидно?



The trajectory of missiles is FUTURE counted on computers. Successfully. Don't talk too much, brother Andriyukha. :)

Andrei01 писал(а) >>

Well, maths is not a wife to love. :) It's enough to have more down-to-earth feelings for her. :)

Again, I'm not saying maths or anything else in the world is evil. I was just saying that there are some things in which mathematics is not applicable from a purely scientific and mathematical point of view, namely for predicting the future. Isn't it obvious?

When you drive your car close to a wall, physics and biology can predict your future.

Andrei01 >>:

Ну дык математика - это не жена шоб её любить. :) Вполне достаточно испытавать к ней более приземлённые чуйства. :)

Опять же, я не утверждал што математика или шото другое в мире - это зло. Просто есть вещи где математика не применима чисто с научной и математической точки зрения, а именно для предсказания будущего. Разве это не очевидно?

And who said that mathematics was designed to predict the future? Even astrology is not designed for that.

PapaYozh писал(а) >>

When you drive your car close to a wall, physics and biology can predict your future.

And physics will use mathematics to make the prediction.


What I have noticed is that money has not brought happiness to this man - two sons dead, a daughter with autism.... Too bad :(

leman >>:

Ага, значит и жизнь не правильно используется. Просветите о смысле жизни. :)

Oh... I don't want to overload. :))

You can get burned because the pot can overheat... and we need the pot for other things. :)

But I can give you a hint at your leisure... You just have to think about what the source of a person's pleasure in life is and how to correctly predict this interaction so that it doesn't end... :)

vasya_vasya >>:
OK. Let's go in order:

The oscillator's level lines are the borders of the channel, and these borders are immediately displayed numerically on the scale, you do not need to select parameters of the oscillator to be sure of something, you can see immediately how many points the price deviated from the average, with a period of fast "1".

What is this? What are level lines of the oscillator in the case of MACD? I know nothing about it and it is not calculated anywhere. I.e. they can be calculated later if and how they should be calculated but MACD doesn't need them for calculation. The channel has two bounds - the upper and the lower one, in respect of which the price is bobbing. The MACD has only two MA bars with different timeframes.

What is analogous to the average in the oscillator channel? - It is not a riddle and it is not a question, the question is what is the meaning of this channel.

What's that got to do with it? Try to stay on topic. We are talking about the channel and its limits.

Stochastic is a simplified version of a mcd, in my opinion, although its formula is very different, but stochastic has significant limitations in particular and from a scientific point of view.

Sorry - nonsense. Warm and soft. And what has "scientific" got to do with it? An indicator captures this or that state of the market. You do not need to track it - do not use it. Someone needs it.

So in "schoolboy" terms it means: "What, you don't get it, you've already been sent?"
I was hoping for more dignified behavior on your part.

You're talking out of your ass, buddy. Aggressively. You're making things up about me that I've never done in my life. Well, how do I not shirk communication? )))

No offense, but I really don't give a shit if you understand me, if you agree with me or not. I won't be disappointed if you (or anyone else) stick to your fantasies.

MetaDriver >>:



Траекторию у ракет БУДУЩУЮ на компах считают. Успешно. Не заговаривайсо, брат Андрюха. :)

Well, you can calculate anything... The main thing is that the rocket finds out about these calculations :))

And the human factor is a totally unpredictable thing...

leman писал(а) >>

And who said that mathematics was designed to predict the future? Even astrology is not meant for that.

What else would it be for?