Does the Grail exist? - page 46

Tantrik >>:
Как можно спорить с профи- цена не случайна! Движение цены не случайно! Смена направления движения тоже не случайно когда и куда никто не знает?

If you don't see it, it doesn't mean that no one else does.
ULAD писал(а) >>

No bad advice for anyone, brother.

Nah, I can see the advice is sound, but it's about nothing. "You gotta be prepared, Watch, Learn, Identify... With experience will come, etc." Like a Caucasian toast, everyone nodded approvingly, drank. If only there were business behind words. Otherwise, everyone is good at giving advice.


Give us a hint, elders, if you know the subject, where to look, without spatial speeches.

sever29 >>:

Да не, вижу что советы дельные, но ни о чем. "Ты должен быть готов, Смотри, Учись, Выявляй... С опытом прийдет и т.п." Как кавказкий тост, все одобрительно кивнули, выпили. Были б за словами дела. А то советовать все горазды.

Do you want me to give you ready-made signals? I don't mind, but you'll still be offended that not all will work out a hundred per cent.
ULAD писал(а) >>

What do you want me to do, give you ready-made signals? I don't mind, but you'll still be offended that not all will work.

You don't want it ready, at least give it in the raw, semifinished product so to speak :)

Let me tell you a true story. An acquaintance of mine asked me for fishing tackle. He had a big fish bite and cut it off. And what do you think? When he came back from the fishing trip, he went off on me, saying my tackle sucked and that's why he didn't get the big fish out. I ended up getting the blame. I saw the same thing in forex. I don't want to bring it up again.
ULAD - what do you see and what don't I see? Maybe we are talking about different things... I don't see the end of the rise and intraday reversal very well yet and it's not on the euro, it's intuitive. So far about 2/1.
ULAD писал(а) >>
I will tell you a true story. An acquaintance of mine asked me for fishing tackle. He had a big fish bite and cut it off. And what do you think? When he came back from the fishing trip, he went off on me, saying my tackle sucked and that's why he didn't get the big fish out. I ended up getting the blame. I saw the same thing in forex. I don't want to bring it up again.

I am talking about people. The lion's share would be grateful to you for a ray of light in a dark realm. It is up to everyone to apply it to the real world or not.

avatara писал(а) >>

Those who did are no longer hanging out here. :(

Just the opposite may be true - they only hang out here - the same place they found it :) It's like a panacea - impossible, but nice to think about :) And in general, by and large, the grail is the constant improvement of one's own TC\MTS, making it universal and embedding "self-learning structures" - I don't mean NS.
ULAD писал(а) >>
I, too, after handing out caucasian-trader toasts and wishes, would end with an example of tackle and fish. Makes sense (assuming)