Does the Grail exist? - page 38

sever29 писал(а) >>

In the most general terms there are two bases for its location in one place or another: .1. price level 2. price gharafik (some sort of pattern in the recent past (D1)). Right? Could you comment on the basis of your line drawing. 1 or 2, or both?

ignored.... sorry... I'll answer for you, it's round levels. or 250/750, 333, 666,

sever29 писал(а) >>

ignored.... sorry... I'll answer for you, it's round levels. or 250, 333, 666,

i just started to understand the eur a bit, but your experience is still a long way off.

sever29 >>:

проигнорировали.... жаль... отвечу за Вас, это круглые уровни. или 250, 333, 666,

No, no! Not that one! Make it 667, at least.

tara писал(а) >>

No, no! Not that one! Make it 667, at least.

It's a strange thing, the "magic of numbers".

What is the difference between "666" and "667"?
Would "666" be better if written as 0x29A?

FantasYGold >>:
Кстати я никакие индикаторы не использую. Не один. Мне нужен только один инструмент. Линия)

I didn't expect such a frank confession. You remind me of a Popois surgeon with only a table and a knife. I don't mean to insult you. He's a healer, too.
How many times has the world been told... (further depending on the level of intelligence and imagination)...
ULAD писал(а) >>

I didn't expect such a frank confession. You remind me of a Popois surgeon with only a table and a knife. I don't mean to insult you. He's a healer, too.

Chiropractors and psychotherapists do without a knife - with just their hands/speech, so let's not jump to conclusions.
The trade is indeed of interest.
The author's entries are amazingly accurate. Time will tell if it is luck or a precise calculation.
But one thing is clear: the price will go against the open position at some point. What is planned for this case is still unclear.
If we continue the series of averaging like in CADCHF, such TS will not be of any interest.
I sincerely wish the author success and victory in the contest.

I read with interest all the active topics on this forum and come to the banal conclusion: whatever system you propose, you will immediately find those who will say that the system does not work. At the same time, many have admitted time and again that the movement of currency pairs in the current chart has a random character. So why bother using a lot of indicators, if they show current random values? Maybe FantasYGold is right to look at only 2 charts and make decisions according to them. I am still interested in methodology of placing order volumes, I am now considering what would happen if I place two opposite orders at 0.5 lots (Buy and 10p Sell) and then in a period (I think about one wave) start to follow the rule - let the profit grow (add 0.01 lots) and fix the loss, but generally follow the established trend
Debugger >>:
Уж сколько раз твердили миру... (дальше в зависимости от уровня интелекта и фантазии)...

Soviet school-telling the truth. As you can see from his behaviour, the topic starter is not going to share his experience with you. He has other aims.
And here there are lots of comrades to get the priceless gift of good fortune trading for free. And it is not surprising. 95+5.
And FantasYGold is right. With years comes the understanding of the market and trading brings pleasure and financial independence(not for everyone of course). But one should not forget that they become too self-confident if they do not need indicators. Strangely enough, the fate punishes them severely.
Sorry if I am annoying anyone.
ULAD писал(а) >>

overconfident if he no longer needs the indicators. Strangely enough, >> fate punishes them harshly..
Sorry if I am annoying anyone.

A phrase that brings back memories of a German video from the 90s (with a German accent) "Now I'm going to punish you a little..."