Does the Grail exist? - page 36

Mathemat >>:
А тем временем автор топика продолжает свою тактику - увы, это теперь похоже на пересиживание. Закрыты все позы, бывшие прибыльными в пятницу, но cadchf - все четыре - открыты.
Далее, открыты две новые позы крупными лотами - по рыжей и фую. Скрин текущей торговли:

Справедливости ради: в истории счета ни одна сделка пока еще не закрыта в убыток. Fantasy, ты именно такую торговлю называешь граалем, т.е. цель оправдывает средства?

The gral to me is an ETERNAL and PROFITABLE system and that's it. Does it need more than that?

It just needs to be adequate. All the other deals are pretty decent - apart from their volumes.
Mathemat >>:
Нужна просто адекватность. Все остальные сделки вполне приличные - не считая их объемов.

If you consider that the Grailist claims to have a system that works without fail in the world, then the transaction volume will only be a psychological pressure to reduce risk rather than a way to make a profit
Mathemat писал(а) >>
It just needs to be adequate. All other trades are quite decent - apart from their volumes.

MM violations on the demo can be explained by the desire to win the contest.
As long as I don't get out of the contest. Absence of stops is more annoying.
To be more exact it does not bother me but presence of stops associates with a more traditional and safer approach.
I wish the author shared this point of view - many questions would have been solved and reasonable stops would not have hurt at least.
The trading itself is good.

the author is good,
It's not enough to have a profitable system, you have to be able to follow it.
I also have a pretty good method, but I keep getting nervous, impatient, unhealthy curiosity... I've learnt that you can give someone a system and he won't be able to do anything with it because he doesn't have any abilities.

But still, FantasYGold, I would like to hear at least some hints how and what...?
denis_orlov >>:
автор молодец,
мало иметь прибыльную систему, надо еще уметь ей следовать.
У меня вот тоже метод неплохой, так я все время срываюсь с катушек, то нервы то нетерпение, то нездоровое любопытство... Я уже убедился, что можно человеку и дать систему, а он ничего с ней поделать не сможет, т.к. способностей нет.

Но все таки, FantasYGold, хотелось бы хоть пару намеков услышать как и что?..

Just be confident with your trading system and yourself. Everybody wonders why I don't put stops. So what are they for? If a man has a goal, the price is about to fall + profit, then go for it, what prevents you from doing so? But if you're not confident in your deal, it means you don't trust your TS.

FantasYGold писал(а) >>

Just be confident with your trading system and yourself. Everybody wonders why I don't put stops. What are they for anyway?

You've had one position for over 10 days now.
1. The market may go sharply against you and kill your deposit, you can't give a 100% guarantee that this won't happen.
2. During these 10 days, you probably were away from your terminal, and therefore the positions were left uncontrolled. It may have been caused by PC failure, internet or electricity failure...
3. In any case, stops are not a bad thing even if you are sure. All questions and suspicions of over-scheduling will be eliminated.

FantasYGold >>:

Просто будьте уверены своей торговой системой и себе. Вот все удивляются почему я не ставлю стопы. А так зачем они вообще? Если человек имеет цель, вот цена сейчас упадет + профит так вот и иди по ней, что мешает? Но если же вы не уверенны в своей сделке значит вы не доверяете своей ТС.

This is probably not about trading stops, i.e. stops as part of the strategy. There really is no point in closing on a stop in working order. What is meant are force majeure stops.

You don't sit in the same room as the brokerage company's server. Your connection is broken, a computer crashed, Ohm's Law is annulled in a certain flat, a brick may have fallen on your head... You never know.

Well, the profits are worth it. I'm not saying stops are bad, just to each his own. I don't like stops, that's all.
goldtrader >>:

У Вас позиция одна больше 10 дней висит уже.
1. Может рынок резко уйти против Вас и убить депозит, Вы же не можете дать 100%-ную гарантию что этого не произойдёт.
2. За эти 10 дней Вы наверняка отлучались от терминала, а значит позиции оставались без контроля. Может произойти сбой ПК, отключиться интернет, эл/эн ...
3. В любом случае стопы не помешают даже если Вы уверены. Все вопросы и подозрения в пересидке снимутся.

I roughly understand how this is intended.
Apparently, the author is using reversal signals, or calculated reversal points where the probability is very high.
The drawdown from these levels only increases the probability of reversal, so the author is calm.
Besides, corrections can help; I think positions are opened considering that even in case of error and large drawdown, the subsequent correction will close the position at least to zero or close to it. And taking into account the averaging, all the more so.

Of course there is a risk, and not a small one, but winners will not be judged. ))