how to teach the TS to distinguish between FLET and TREND???

What do you think of that?
What's there to teach her - the TC? Create one right away that differentiates, and that's it. Do you have a pedagogical education?
basile писал(а) >>
what do you think about that???

To teach someone something, you need to be able to do it yourself, and not in history, but in the current moment in time. Do you know how to do it? And what is a trend for you and what is a flat? Everyone understands these notions differently, otherwise the conversation will be in different languages.

basile писал(а) >>
Who's thinking about this???

You can always find both flats and trends on one and the same instrument at the same time. The main thing is to choose the right one and correspond to it.)


Imagine there is no trend or flat at all.

Richie писал(а) >>

Imagine there is no trend or flat at all.

What is there? The brain needs clues, a basis for analysing price series. The trend and the flat will also do. Still, specifics rule, not universal formulas that work everywhere and anytime.
The conversation is originally about nothing. Teach yourself first. (You shouldn't have put the question like that!))
Ha! That's the picture I have in my mind:
An illiterate daddy whipping his offspring with a belt:
- Learn, son... Learn...
You're jumping at me...
You couldn't just say we're confused.

avatara >>:
Нет бы просто сказать - сами путаемся.


avatara >>:
Нет бы просто сказать - сами путаемся.



Just everyone understands that there is a TS that takes a trend well and then loses in a flat, and vice versa..... can someone found a way to distinguish a flat from a trend, not visually but statistically, and that is not strongly lagged))))))) want to eat fish and .................... bone not to choke)
Anyway, the question of the topic is well posed. I predict the longevity of the branch. I can't say anything about its trend yet, but the volumes will. :)))