how to teach the TS to distinguish between FLET and TREND??? - page 4

Richie писал(а) >> There aren't any.

Well, you never know..... maybe the topiker has some?
Eh! He's always been so utilitarian. But here he sticks his practical snout into a theoretical line.
My only hope is the LHC. Maybe it'll save me from embarrassment. )))))
That's it. That's flubbing. Although it does sound strange in this thread.
Richie >>:

Их нет.

Well, of course. The only thing they're good for is...

Svinozavr писал(а) >>

Well, of course. But what good are they...

If they're useless, they're useless.
Richie >>:

Нет толку - значит их нет.

??? Logical voluntarism! )))

There are few things with a clear definition that don't make sense. One thing has nothing to do with the other.


Teach the TS to be an investor, i.e. work on W1.
If there is a flat/trend problem, then the TS is set for casual earnings.

Richie >>:

Завтра будет тренд. Вниз.

Thanks for that. You've given me a reason. I've been wanting to say something for a long time, but somehow there was no clear-cut reason.

It seems to me, in order to get things moving on the subject of trend-flat definitions, we just need to be very clear from the start that since trend

(as well as a flat) are entities extending in time, it is impossible to say they exist at a specific point in time. For example "now".

If we stop pestering another person trying to define the past (completed or not) trend with questions such as:

"How do you prove that it will go further...?", things may take a constructive turn.

Summary: it is worth focusing on the "rules" (what kind of answer is expected), and defining the boundaries of "possibility/impossibility" of such definitions.

Mathemat >>:
А тем временем avatara уже создал системку по мотивам контекста, понимаемого по-своему, и уже давно стрижет капусту :)

If only! I don't have the spirit.
Cutting my hair in my mind for now...
"Academicism" must be contagious.


MetaDriver >>:
Резюме: стоит заострить внимание на "регламенте" (какого рода ожидается ответ), и определиться с границами "возможности/невозможности" таких определений.

I'm impressed by Alexey's idea that trend/float are relative - depending on the target (time horizon).

Therefore, we should probably identify ourselves with the targets.

Small targets - small TF. Then crashes are less frequent, and the frequency of withdrawal of bribes is higher.

Retail in short...



Maybe this isn't the right time, but perhaps the thread should be renamed "how to separate flats from floods?", as many people on this forum do...