Avalanche - page 232

khorosh >>:

Да, я то же прочитала некоторые его посты..... :))))
Подумала сначало: "выложу ! Пусть увидят его во всей красе !"
А потом: "жалко как то, да ну его дибила, пусть себе развлекается, людей тешит"
rumata1984 >>:

Люто, бешено ненавижу таких дебилов, как E_mc2 ) Взял бы и у.бал с большим удовольствием.

I don't think your teacher Cathal is any more of a moron than you are who can't even calculate the difference in margins. Banging your stupid head against the wall. Clown. Open the demo and look at the real trade. By the way, you don't mind banging your head against the wall because your brain doesn't have one. Go learn the basics, dumb-ass.) Learn how to calculate margins. I'll teach you something else... It's hard to talk to a moron who pays margin for worthless lots... It's hard to communicate with a wooden one. You can't count the simplest things... or that's Tolya's job... It's a long time since such dumb people haven't been on the forum. Start a demo and see how it all works. Maybe you'll get wise and stop writing shit advice.
Galina >>:

Trli have fun)) I don't know anything about programming and I've never made no secret of it. But I think the margins are better than you) And everything else, too, but you trolls have been sent here. To help people take the plunge. You should think about your bullshit counsellor who opens a bunch of lots and pays extra margin. It's idiots like you. You are the only morons who pay margin for 0 pips. IMHO. Real trolls about DC.
Galina >>:

Have you read the private message?

On the first flip the difference in margin is 2 times, on netting it comes out 77 roubles and these trolls have a margin of 154. And this stupid company says that the difference in margin is not big. I open the same positions on netting with a much smaller margin. Trolls, learn the basics and open a demo and look at it.
E_mc2 >>:
УЖе на первом перевороте разница в марже в 2 раза, на нетинге выходит 77 рубле а у этих тролей маржа 154. А эта тупая компашка говорит что разница в марже не большая. Открываю на нетинге теже позы с намного меньшей маржой. Тролии осильте мат часть да откройте демку и посмотрите.

"...... Quietly I talk to myself."

what amazes me?
After all, netrebka is alive, thank God!
And so - new nicknames. Lovins. Testor testor. lest we dawdle.
hilarious! (c) Mishania
JonKatana >>:

Поэтому я повторил ответ. Если этого не писать, мне придется по сто раз повторять одно и то же каждому лентяю, который не хочет приложить минимум усилий и прочитать то, что он кидается обсуждать.

Forgive me, gentlemen, for intruding before I've read the rest of this cheerful thread... But what killed me was the expression of our "Iron" Joe quoted above...
Dear Sir, I came across this thread 12 (!!!) hours ago, and I can't even imagine how long before these battles are over. Although it's already on page 96... The whole night sat practically never taking my eyes off the monitor, reading and wondering about the action. HOW do you propose, with a MINIMUM of effort to find an answer to the question he asked, even if you have already answered in substance to similar? After all, the answer is stored somewhere in the wilds of this immense chest of impenetrable human stupidity ...
Sorry for the off-top... I couldn't resist... Just on the subject of my drowsy body.

artmedia70 писал(а) >>

Forgive me, gentlemen, for intruding without reading the end of this hilarious thread... But what killed me was the expression of our "Iron" Joe quoted above...
Dear Sir, I came across this thread 12 (!!!) hours ago, and I can't even imagine how long before these battles are over. Although it's already on page 96... The whole night sat practically never taking my eyes off the monitor, reading and wondering about the action. HOW do you propose, with a MINIMUM of effort to find an answer to the question he asked, even if you have already answered in substance to similar? After all, the answer is stored somewhere in the wilds of this immense chest of impenetrable human stupidity ...
Sorry for the off-top... I couldn't resist... Just on the topic of my falling asleep body.

It's not the goal that counts, it's the process...
Tantrik >>:

Тут главное не цель, а процесс..

I'm sure 99% of the people here are there for the process!