Avalanche - page 236

E_mc2 >>:
Ээ народ..харош ругаца..Тут скоро Ледовое побоище будет))) Паралельно несколько кланов будут вести бои без правил)

По моему на форуме вот такие ветки с таким аццким гоном, и руганью возникают потому что нет тут чётко определёной ветки как на других форумах типа "ФЛуд" или "Флейм" . Ну вот народу ж нада где то отрываца..негатив збрасывать..да и просто поржать, пофлудить. ВОт узреют они такую ветку, где топикстартер не вменяем, несёт бред, или темка особо предрасполагающая к флуду, и вот ..вот оно то самое место где можна оторвацца!! И понеслась!))

Finally I hear the speech, not of a boy, but of a husband. Realised that he's not the only one who can bite around here. Don't throw stones if you have a glass house and everything will be OK.

E_mc2 >>:

Да ну..судя по картинкам там уже давно должны быть отчёты с реала. Шутка ли сказно в 30 раз увеличение депо. Это даже с 1000 выйдет 30000 и это всего за пол года)) А представляешь в следующии пол года эти 30000 тыщь ещё в 30 раз увеличить??Это ж уже 900000 тыщь!! А слдующие пол года эти 900000 тыщь да ещё в 30 раз!! Какие там стадии,какой тестер ..при таких показателях уже давно нада каталог яхт просматривать!

Про велосипед. Так как его тут изобретают не получица даже трёхколёсный Гномик)))

Whatever a child needs... Or in other words, the dreams of an idiot. Don't make a habit of attributing your dreams to others.

khorosh >>:

Ну как же, наоборот, я писал, что с 2002 года ты уже освоил расчёт стоимости пункта и расчёт маржи. Этот букварь ты освоил, жаль, что до программирования тебе ещё очень далеко.

I don't need it at all in principle.) If I needed it, I would have mastered it long ago. Programming is not the key to successful real-time trading. The main thing is the idea ... the trading system! My main thing is the idea of the market, my trading abilities, my mastership of trading. The main thing is not to master it, but to become a real trading system and then program it in my company, I would ask my coder to write a code for me and then I'd get a reward))). Why do I need all this coding??))) By your logic it turns out that in order to drive a Mercedes you need to finish vocational school as a car mechanic)). If you do not know how to fix a car, you cannot drive a Mercedes.) To watch TV, you need to become a TV repairman. And what would store food in the refrigerator nada learned to repair the refrigerator)))). I am a trader, not a coder. I don't need coding. If I need to code serious things, I'll pay the money and they will code for me. I do not need any coding, I will be coded, I will pay for it and I will be coded. There are people who can do it professionally, why should I bother with this programming? I would personally rather pay for an adviser than bother learning the language. The owner of a Mercedes will not be afraid to repair the car himself when it breaks down, but will take it to the service station)).
E_mc2 писал(а) >>

Completely random entries will only give a 0.5 ratio on a very large number of trades. Otherwise you can get 1000 losses in a row. This 0.5 ratio will work on a very large number of trades.
I was talking about the use of a certain TS. There is a TS that you run with stable lots. You see in the report that the % of profitable trades is 40% Loss=Stop. It is clear that the stable lot is a sure loss.
Take Laboucher.
1 trade say -40 pips - let's take 1 lot for an even account.
2. lot 2 -40 pips = 800+400= -1200
3. lot 3 -40 pips = 1200+800+400= 2400
4. lot 4 -40pips = 1600+1200+800+400= 4000
5. lot 5 -40pips = 2000+1600+1200+400= 6000
6. lot 6 -40pips = 2400 pips = 8400
7. lot 7 + 40 = 2800 - took the profit. 8400 - 2800= 5600
8. lot 7 +40 = 2800, 5600 - 2800 = 2800
9. lot 7 +40 = 2800 - reached the zero level.

Thus, we have 9 deals, 6 of which were losing. this is 66%. Thus, 3 profitable trades of 33% have compensated for the losses of 66%. This ratio will work for series of any length. Always 33% compensate for the loss of 66%. If you take your TS, which gives as much as 40% and add this MM to it. And wonderfully steal your money. Proven in real life and for many years in a row. The most important thing is that TS would give at least 35-40% of profitable trades. When will we lose money? Well, of course. TS at this MM will start to fall down when the ratio of profit / / loss trades fell below 33%. That's when it's going to fail. That's if the profit=loss. But if the profit is bigger than the loss. Then we have to see how much more. If it is significantly more. Give me TS, that gives at least 40% of profit trades consistently...or the toughest moments for TS did not fall below 33%. I'll break your millions)

To save your nerves, I suggest discussing a specific issue and comment on the picture below.
The screenshot is a quite trivial series of profitable/lossmaking trades and the results of three strategies applied to this series.
Something Lyabusher is not on top!
Although all the conditions have been met.
How we are going to make millions? )))

Especially not checked. So careful attention is welcome.


" Well hello summer red I greet you
# What a beautiful summer you are I can't wait to breathe #
The trees are like green dollars
¶¶ The sun is beating down on my head ¶¶
¶ And by the Blizzard Café ¶
¶ two men blowing around ¶
¶ And the dust is foggy and you can't see a thing ¶
♪ The street's crowded ♪
♪ People are staring at it ♪
♪ And they ask, even though they're squinting ♪
let's do it again...." (V.Medyanik)

Laboucher is certainly a fun topic... But it can kill the depo much faster than classic martin. If there is no clear profit/loss sequence... And there is at least a small failure. Then with Laboucher - the lot starts to grow by leaps and bounds... And to maintain such a pace - just a giant deposit is needed. Although, the overall profit/loss ratio will be exactly as it should be...

ZS: I dabbled in my time with Laboucher... Not promising... The risks are several times higher even than in classic martin.
E_mc2 писал(а) >>

I don't need it at all in principle)) If I needed it, I would have mastered it long ago. Programming is not the key to successful real trading. The main thing is the idea... the trading system! My main thing is the idea of the market, my trading abilities, my mastership of trading. The main thing is not to master it, but to become a beginning trader and then go back to the market and follow their instructions.) Why do I need all this coding??))) By your logic it turns out that in order to drive a Mercedes you need to finish vocational school as a car mechanic)). If you do not know how to fix a car, you cannot drive a Mercedes.) To watch TV, you need to become a TV repairman. And what would store food in the refrigerator nada learned to repair the refrigerator)))). I am a trader, not a coder. I don't need coding. If I need to code serious things, I'll pay the money and they will code for me. I do not need any coding, I will be coded, I will pay for it and I will be coded. There are people who can do it professionally, why should I bother with this programming? I would personally rather pay for an adviser than bother learning the language. The owner of a Mercedes will not be afraid to repair the car himself when it breaks down, but will take it to the service station)).

"It's not the tsar's business to pick pussy, I'll order you to do it" (c).
lexandros писал(а) >>

ZS: I dabbled in my time with Laboucher... Not promising... The risks are many times higher even than in classic martin.

What about the promised millions? (((
E_mc2 >>:

Оно мне не нужно вообще в принцыпе)) Нужно было бы - давно бы освоил. Програмирование это не залог успешной торговли на реале. Главное это идея..торговая система! ВИдинье рынка, какие то способности к трейдингу. А закодить..если мне нада закодить серьёзную ТС...я напишу в личку уважаемым здесь кодерам, заплачу денешку и мне всё закодят))) И делов то, и зачем мне это програмирование???))) А по твоей логике получаеца что б ездить на Мерседесе нада ПТУ закончить на автослесаря)) Типа не умеешь чинить машину, не сможешь ездить на Мерсе) А для того что б смотреть телевизор нада ещё стать мастером по ремонту телеков. И что б продукты в холодильнике хранить нада научица холодильник ремонтировать))) Я трейдер, а не кодировщик. Мне кодинг не нужен. Понадобяца серьёзные вещи закодить.Заплачу и мне закодят. Есть люди которые это могут сделать професионально, зачем мне заморачиваца с этим програмированием. Лично мне проще заплатить за советника, чем морочица изучать язык . Владелец Мерседеса тож не бось при поломке сам ремонтировать не лезет, а везёт на СТО))

Apparently you're on the lookout for a good trading system, since you're here on this forum. Imagine - if you get a few promising TS, how will you check them on the history? Are you going to test it on the demo?

For statistical validity a year may not be enough. And if you know how to code, you will be able to do it in one evening. Or you may have to contact a programmer to check every nuance,

and that's money and time. In addition, if you don't know how to program, you won't be able to correctly create a requirements specification for a programmer.

lasso >>:

Да бы поберечь Ваши нервы, предлагаю обсудить конкретный вопрос и прокомментировать картинку ниже.
На скрине вполне банальная серия прибыльных/убыточных сделок и результаты применения к этой серии трех стратегий.
Что-то Лябушер не на высоте!
Хотя вроде все условия соблюдены.
Как будем мульёны то рубить? )))

Особо не проверял. Так что внимательность приветствуется.

A quick glance at it seems to be an error in the series. If I'm not mistaken, trade 14 should be opened with 6 lots, not 7. Since this is the first loss after the profitable closing of the previous series, it means we add only 2 lots, not 3. Therefore the lot should be not 7, but 4+2=6. That is trade 14 should be 6 lots. Subsequent trades, respectively, are also not + 3 lots, but only +2. Probably it is the reason of minus. It's more aggressive than the LaBoucher.
Another reason ... poor distribution. Deals are tightly minus, we should try to break such a series even with a small +. I don't know exactly what the distribution is, when I've got many losing trades and consequently 1 or 2 profitable ones have a negative effect. In other words, if we change the sequence of profitable deals, putting them between losing trades, breaking the series of losses, then with exactly the same% of profitable deals, the result will be better. Although this is my hypothesis.

One more thing. The series is not finished. It breaks off at 30 trades on lot 31. That's most likely why it couldn't break even at 36% profit trades. The series wasn't over.