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Forgive me, gentlemen, for intruding before I've read the rest of this cheerful thread... But what killed me was the expression of our "Iron" Joe quoted above...
Dear Sir, I came across this thread 12 (!!!) hours ago, and I can't even imagine how long before these battles are over. Although it's already on page 96... The whole night sat practically never taking my eyes off the monitor, reading and wondering about the action. HOW do you propose, with a MINIMUM of effort to find an answer to the question he asked, even if you have already answered in substance to similar? After all, the answer is stored somewhere in the wilds of this immense chest of impenetrable human stupidity ...
Sorry for the off-top... I couldn't resist... Just on the topic of my falling asleep body.
Andeee... where's the next grail recipe?
I honestly read every post in staggered order, otherwise it's monotonous.
I read 15-20 posts a day, but it's nonsense to spend the night without saying anything.
This is where it all started, but I think... No, it's off again.
When I "googled" it, I started from the labyrinth.
and got into the Vacuum Cleaner System (Atom).
The way you trade is nothing! The way you manage capital is ALL!
he also checked in on the forum al**** in the cheburashka thread
A quick look through the thread... dac people have been trying to do something with "avalanche" since 2008 and only dc has had results
Who have several hits on the topic for Nicola's presentation, for about $500 each for "invites"
Fantasy... (reminds me of any hollywood movie)
Not a spacious foyer, in front of a huge monitor a group of people of mixed gender, someone standing at the window biting the bones of a clenched fist
someone sitting in an armchair is watching a monitor screen very carefully, leaning forward, etc.
on the monitor another tick chart of the deposit balance with ChebuLava (Avalanche Cheburashka)
The chart is moving upwards at an angle of 20-25*.
A man came in saying "What's up..." Crowd squealed and he stopped and joined the others.
Then the chart aligns to a horizontal line, bounces upwards at 40° in the hall, sighs....
And then the chart crashes to 90°, hooray... ...where the candy comes from... champagne everyone's hugging each other
...congratulating each other, etc. There's a moose from "hunting season" on the screen...
I was trying to imagine how the DC celebrates Kolya Margin's presentation...
I'm sure 99% of the people here are here for the process!
+10Сообщение в личке читали?
Yes, thank you very much.I'll keep you posted on how things are going.
Пытался представить как в ДЦ отмечают презенцацию Коли Маржина
With such profitability it is possible to get a margin call once a quarter and even more often if you withdraw profit every week.
Margin call is not as scary as you might think.
The result for the last six months since 01.11.2009. Deposit has grown by more than 30 times!
Ну большего дибила чем ты который не может даже разницу в марже посчитать я думаю ..ну разве ваш учитель Катала может сравница. Об стену у...бись своей тупой башкой. Клоун. Открой хоть демку да посмотри как там на реале торговля то идёт. Кстати тебе не страшно башкой об стену мозгу твоему не повредит по причине его отсутствия. Всё иди учи мат часть тупенькое)) Научися считать маржу приходи. Научу тебя ещё чему нибудь) С дибилом который платит маржу за ничего не стоящие лоты.. тяжело конешно общаца с таким деревянным.Ты ж тупое простейших вещей посчитать не можешь..или работа такая у толей..Давненько таких тупых на форуме не было. Демку заведи демку и посмотри как оно там все происходит. Может реально поумнеешь и перестанешь писать говносоветники.And you try to enter and finish MIPT and then graduate school, as rumata1984did , then it will be clear who is a moron. As for the margin, at this stage, when only the basic principles of avalanche performance are tested, its accounting is not crucial. We can take a knowingly large deposit during testing and not think about margin savings. There are many more important factors affecting the result that must be worked on first of all.
TheExpert Advisor posted by rumata1984 and Galina is a crude, intermediate version used to test the strategy principle, and you cannot set requirements for it
as a finished product. If the success of the strategy during testing is confirmed, the final version, I am sure, will have a scheme with maximum margin savings and much more that you don't even know about.
А ты попробуй поступи и закончи МФТИ, а потом и аспирантуру, как это сделал rumata1984, тогда будет ясно кто дебил. Что касается маржи, так на данном этапе, когда проверяются только основные принципы работоспособности лавины её учёт не принципиален. Можно взять при тестировании заведомо большой депозит и об экономии маржи не думать. Есть много более важных факторов влияющих на результат, над которыми надо работать в первую очередь.
Советник выложенный rumata1984 и Галиной, является сырым, промежуточным вариантом, служащим для проверки принципа стратегии и нельзя к нему предъявлять требования,
как к законченному продукту. Если успешность стратегии при тестировании подтвердится, в окончательном варианте, я уверен, будет реализована схема с максимальной экономией маржи и ещё многое другое о чём ты даже не догадываешься.
Thanks for the support. I have not been trading forex for very long, just over a year, so I still have a lot to learn (of course, not the margin and pip value). But Galina is a professional trader with a long experience, which means that it is her job. And this guy - E_mc2 - he picks dirt on all of us indiscriminately.
E_mc2, we have a job to do and your criticism is petty and ridiculous. If you're so smart, do better. Make it better than mine or khorosh's. A rare example of tunneling inertia: You are still screaming about margin pages 100 years ago. Everyone has long understood that it is not the main point, only you are delighted with your discovery: the margin is much lower on netting. Eureka, f...!
Спасибо за поддержку. Я форексом не очень давно занимаюсь, чуть больше года, мне еще учиться и учиться (конечно, не маржу и стоимость пункта считать). А вот Галина - она ведь профессиональный трейдер с большим стажем, т.е. это же и есть ее работа. И этот товарищ - E_mc2 - он всех нас без разбора мешает с грязью.
I respect you for realizing that a year of studying Forex is nothing, you need to see the charts - to see the movement not of a particular pair, but of all the pairs, the whole market - that's what I do, but it's only been 4 months so far :(count). But Galina - she is a professional trader with a long experience, which means that this is her job. And this fellow - E_mc2 - he's all of us without
I am reminded of the joke, when a grandfather came to the dentist to complain that he could not have sex with his grandmother every night.
doctor: what an age you are!
Granddad: Your neighbour is even older, but he says he has sex twice a night!
doctor: So you say.
And you try enrolling in and finishing MIPT and then graduate school, as rumata1984did , then it will be clear who the moron is. As for the margin, so on.
Don't be ridiculous, a college degree is not such a strong argument.
I have come across such dull-headed citizens that my brain refuses to believe that he has a school under his belt. And then, lo and behold, he served his time in university and graduate school (he can't go into the army).
не смешите, учеба в ВУЗе не такой уж сильный аргумент.
Я с такими дубоголовыми гражданами пересекался, что мозг отказывается верить в то, что у него школа за плечами есть. А потом глядишь - и ВУЗ отсидел и аспирантуру (не в армию же ему идти)
There are all kinds of universities. You probably have no idea what MIPT is. Fools do not study there.