Avalanche - page 339

khorosh писал(а) >>

Do you know what you lack? You lack independence. A smart man can take a hint. And you want me to do experiments on your orders.

You want screenshots of trades, or, better yet, algorithms of the EA or the EA itself. No, dear, make your own EA and do any experiments with it. GoldTrader has read my posts and quickly created an EA without any questions. And you have to hand out a ready-made solution on a silver platter.)

I'm tired of repeating myself: Gentlemen! Please justify your assertions. (I do not delete my posts, and it is easy for you to find arguments.)


1) Take my word for it: the only thing I lack is TIME. The most expensive resource.

I program in several languages, well enough, at least I don't see unbearable tasks. (Again, the question of time).

I also have a lot of ideas. As far as possible they are being implemented. I don't need anyone else's.

2) At the beginning you were well treated. It seemed to me that you are simply mistaken in some points. And I wanted to prevent you from making mistakes.

3) Gradually my opinion of you changed because you are well aware of all those slippery points.

You are a person who deliberately misinforms and misleads juniors in this thread.

Proof of that:

- your refusal to answer specific questions.

- no evidence to back up your assertions other than dubious pictures.

- Removal of your compromising posts.

rumata1984 писал(а) >>
It is a shame to be so stupid and inept as these people.

It's a different attitude to Dmitry && Galina.

- They answered questions calmly and quite openly.

- They laid out the advisers.

- They monitored the account.

- They quite legitimately leaked it.

- Continued constructive dialogue after that.

- They are going along with Mr. GOOD.

By and large there are no questions to them, because the position is clear.

At the moment Dmitriy was very tired, so he snapped.

lasso писал(а) >>

That's a different attitude towards Dimitri & Galina.

........... Dimitri is very tired at the moment, so he's gone off the rails.

For some reason I agree with you Vitaly...

They started a stabbing in the Humor thread , Avalanche, who cares where the main thing is.

Usually they fight when they find something. It's like they didn't find anything and fought.
gip писал(а) >>
Usually they fight when they find something. It's like they didn't find anything and then they get into a fight.

Russian folk fun
gip писал(а) >>
Usually they fight when they find something. But here it's like they didn't find anything and they got into a fight.

Kindergarten, sandpit, kids are messing around, sometimes helping each other build "kulichiki" and so on ..... idylia

Then the bad boy jumps up, runs away from everyone and shouts

- I've got the money!

Everyone goes to him. Show me? Where did you find it? Which one? And so on.

He hides it behind his back, does not show it to anyone, and shakes his head.

He says that he showed it to Mischa and will not show it to anyone else, and so on (As I remember, it was almost always like this).

Things were getting better as Misha was still practicing Sambo, although he doesn't remember if we showed it to him or not.

Time passed, children grew up and the attitude remained and there is a similar situation

- And I'm d......

Do you think they will hit hard or just kick him?


rumata1984 >>:

Надоели вы мне все со своим детсадовским юмором. Сидите дальше - варитесь в собственном соку. Ни с кем из вас и говорить-то по сути не о чем.

Кому надо, напишет в личку.

Adios, malparidos. :)

Ignore it, keep learning, Katana was right when he said Avalanche is just a behavioural algorithm. You can nullify mistakes with it roughly, but the behaviour pattern should still be initial. And these ... Hui ... m nailed to the wall and continue, there vet most important thing is not knowledge, and initiative - just sits a bunch of worthless sysadmins (on payroll) self-affirming that has the opportunity to communicate with serious people.