Avalanche - page 337

rumata1984 писал(а) >>

Fuck... shove your sense of humour up your arse. :)

It's a bunch of degenerates, not a forum. It's frustrating. Let normal people talk to each other in peace.

Have you been to the sauna yet?

sever29 >>:

В сауну* еще не ходили?

And you go fuck yourself, degenerate :) Who else should I send? :)
rumata1984 писал(а) >>
And you go fuck yourself, degenerate :) >> who else should I send? :)

>> ahtung! What's all the fuss? :)
rumata1984 >>:

Бля... да засунь ты себе в жопу свое чувство юмора. :)

Просто сборище дегенератов какое-то, а не форум. Разочарование одно с вами. Дайте, наконец, нормальным людям общаться друг с другом спокойно.

So it's not going to rain.

that's good.

rumata1984 >>:
И ты иди в жопу, дегенерат :) Кого еще послать? :)
It's time to get off this thread, you can communicate in person.
khorosh писал(а) >>
This thread has to go now, we can communicate in private.

>> well, really, enough already....

I've got Avalanche on the way and they're splinters, scaring everyone away...

rumata1984 писал(а) >>
And you go fuck yourself, degenerate :) Who else should I send? :)

I didn't expect this from you .... ))

Well, if you're very keen, send me along too... Complete it, so to speak... )

But I beg you very much - argue, argue....

rumata1984 wrote >>
Khorosh is already using his advisor on real. He wrote about it. And he used his real report where one can see that his deposit has doubled.

It is written on the fence too.

Over the fence is also "posted".

WHERE THE REPORT FROM THE REALA IS POSTED???? Which shows something doubled?

Isn't it this "report" with the advertisement from pg. 324 ???


Just please very much - argue, argue....


Только очень прошу Вас - аргументируйте, аргументируйте....

Happy Border Guard Day to all participants in the programme !!!
rumata1984 >>:
И ты иди в жопу, дегенерат :) Кого еще послать? :)

Such an educated man, and he allows himself to be treated like that. Shame on you, young man. It's even embarrassing. You can send me away, too.
lasso писал(а) >>

People write on the fence too.

Over the fence they also 'post it'.

WHERE IS THE POSTED REPORT FROM THE REAL???? Which shows something doubled?

Isn't that the "report" with the advertisement from pg. 324 ???


Just very please - argue, argue....

Why delete the posts?

Oh, this is all so ugly and disgusting.

It's like adults....

And this is not the first time!

25.05.2010 morning you posted a screenshot, allegedly from the real, with a bunch of pipsovy and not at all Avalanche trades. In the afternoon it was already gone......


When you made mistakes in rocket science, did you also easily pull the blocks or modules you "engineered" back out?

pulling them back out?