Avalanche - page 257

lasso >>:
С этим не знаком. Постов его не видел. Так сказать взятки - гладки.
Но среди нас есть товарищи, которые утверждают, что Лябушер - рулит, что ТС под Лябушер написать - легко, да дайте мне 40% (типа рычаг) - и я "переверну мир" и т.д. и т.п.
Как с ним то быть?

They don't claim that anymore. Here I have posted the preliminary results (two nasty series) and here Oleg has admitted that the case is not good at all.

Oper писал(а) >>
Look at John's profile. It's full of messages. But my messages aren't there, for example,
when I first called his "system" a landslide and himself a bot, which got him banned outright.
And another.When the bot begins to repeat, causing general negative attention, 1) involved
allegedly, his critic-hater, who "argues" with him, not allowing to interfere in a conversation
.And if it is really bad, 2) comes bot operator and bursts quite clever and long tirade, which
which, for a while, planted in the minds of the forum members a false impression of the reality of John's existence as a person.

Thanks in advance for the unscheduled ban.Serving Opolzny!!!

Read.... You mean the two of them? Or was it just you?
Here's the attachment to... I'm afraid I'm not being original... to the author of this thread...
happy holiday to all:)
Oper писал(а) >>
Look at John's profile. It's full of messages. But my messages aren't there, for example,
when I first called his "system" a landslide and himself a bot, which got him banned outright.
And another thing. When the bot begins to repeat itself, causing everyone's negative attention, the case is joined
allegedly, his critic-hater, who "argues" with him, not allowing others to interfere in the conversation.
And if things get really bad, the bot operator comes in and launches into a rather clever and long rant, which
that plants a false sense of reality in the minds of the forum members for a while.
Thanks in advance for the unscheduled ban.Serving the Landslide!!!

As an exchange of experience.
How long is the first ban, the second ... ?
What are the nuances?
Getting ready for a serious gig.... Maybe even today.... While "getting psyched up"... )))))))
lasso писал(а) >>

As a sharing of experience.
How long is the first ban, second ban ... ?
What are the nuances?
Getting ready for a serious gig.... Maybe even today.... While "getting psyched up"... )))))))

not tonight, not even tomorrow... weekdays maybe.

lasso писал(а) >>
Getting ready for a serious gig.... Maybe even today.... Still "psyched up"... )))))))
One speech I gave at a university ended in a "grandiose" scandal. The scientific "community" of that "institution" has been fighting amongst themselves for a year. That's the way to do it :))))
And all because Sergei stepped on the SYSTEM.
Richie писал(а) >>
One of my speeches at a university ended in a "grandiose" scandal. The scientific "community" of this "institution" has been fighting amongst themselves for a year. That's the way to do it :))))
All because Sergei stepped on the SYSTEM.

Have you any self-respect? That's it!!!
It's the most important thing for a man to respect himself. It would be better if there was a reason for it.
Without a shadow of a doubt.... Nothing personal. But is there any evidence to back it up?
Just to share experience, so to speak.
E_mc2 писал(а) >>

Ahead of me while I was writing this post) That's basically what I said. Martin will allow you to make profits with fewer profitable trades. Of course it's much easier to implement than to develop a system that will give profits on a stable lot. The same laboucher allows you to get a profit with 40% of profitable trades, and it is a failure with a stable lot. Conclusion ... do not simply throw in the trash that plummeted on a stable lot. It is quite possible that your TS has a sufficient ratio of profit / loss for that would earn the use of soft martin, but at the same time plummeting to a stable lot. Nada look at the performance of TC. If the TS at equal stops and Takei gives at least 35% of profitable trades on experience I say that it makes sense with her frozen add a simple Martin.

1) What a psychologist! When a sucker is called a master, when his n-th sucker's TS with 40% of profitable trades they say: This is the Grail. (see previous posts), then the sucker understands that all is not lost yet , and he will not miss his chance, and will be ready to lose more and more. So of course don't throw such TCs in the bin, gentlemen.

2) "Soft Martin" !!! - I don't know about you, but it fascinates me. soft.... Martin..... soft.... Martin..... soft.... Martin..... soft.... Martin..... soft.... Martin..... soft.... Martin..... soft.... Martin..... soft.... Martin..... soft.... Martin..... soft.... Martin..... soft.... Martin..... soft.... Martin..... soft.... Martin..... soft.... Martin..... soft.... Booby.... soft.... Booby.... soft.... Whiplash.... soft.... Whipcord.... soft.... Whipcord.... soft.... Whipcord.... soft.... Whipcord.... soft.... Whipcord.... soft.... Whipcord.... soft.... Whipcord.... soft.... Whipcord.... soft.... Whiplash.... You don't see it right away...

3) When a person has experience, it's a good thing.
-- When a person wants to share that experience - that's a very good thing.
-- When you are offered a recipe for making chocolate out of shit "for free", will you refuse??? No.
Here's a man who's shared, shared, shared .... sharing, sharing .... And still nothing ....
Dear E_mc2, if you have something concrete to show, then do it!
We already know - you are not a coder. No scripts, no indices.....
But you have been on the market for EIGHT, OO, eight, eight years (I hope you won't argue with that)))
And with equally successful applications of soft Martin, elastic Laboucher etc......
And please don't be modest, don't be.
This is exactly the point where it is not at all appropriate.
We know that the Man who counts margins so magnificently must have something to show for it.
Please, at least one of the real life stats from the Laboucher system.

Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!!
(unstoppable applause and shouting from the crowd can be heard here)

JonKatana >>:

Легко. Берем коридор в 120 пунктов, EURUSD, плечо 1:500. И начинаем ставить разнонаправленные ордера объемом 0.1 на каждой стороне коридора после очередного разворота. Не увеличивая их, не наращивая, просто по 0.1. Специально для вас замечание: на MT5 второй отложенный ордер мы ставим объемом 0.2, чтобы при открытии он стал нужного нам объема 0.1.

Цена прошла коридор от первого ордера, совершила разворот, дошла до противоположной границы коридора и тут мы закрываем все ордера. Стоимость пипса совершенно одинаковая для обоих платформ (объемы ордеров одинаковы и равны 0.1) и составляет 29 рублей.

На MT4 в данный момент открыто два ордера одинаковым объемом 0.1. На первом 0 - ни убытка, ни прибыли, так как цена вернулась к границе коридора, на которой выставлен ордер. На втором ордере минус 120 пунктов. Закрываем оба ордера. Считаем убытки: 0 + 120 х 29 = 3480 рублей.

На MT5 в данный момент открыт один (второй по порядку) ордер объемом 0.1, висящий с таким же минусом в 120 пунктов, как и на MT4. И еще до этого первый ордер (объемом 0.1) закрылся автоматически при открытии второго ордера с убытком в 120 пунктов. Считаем убытки: 120 х 29 + 120 х 29 = 6960 рублей.

Разница между закрытием ордеров одинакового объема с абсолютно одинаковой стоимостью пипса (29 рублей) между MT4 и MT5 составляет 6960 - 3480 = 3480 рублей. Именно на столько больше вы отдадите ДЦ при работе на платформе MT5.

On an MT4, you have put a bet in the lock. You are like closing a position. On MT5, you close and then open again. You're comparing an open position with no position. What is the same price per pip. You are lying. On MT4, the price of a pip is 0. You are in a lock 0.1 buy - 0.1 sell price of a pip = 0. And on MT5 you have a net open order for 0.1 and the price is 1 quid. Now think that if the price moved further in the direction of the order on MT5. Then, say, after 20 pips has passed, you would have earned + 20 pips on the open position. But in MT4, you are in a lock. The price of a pip is 0. You would have earned nothing. Another sly troll comparing 0 to an open position.

lasso >>:

1) Каков психолог!!! Когда лоха величают господином, когда о его N-ой лоховской ТС с 40% прибыльных сделок говорят: Это Грааль. (см. предыдущие посты), то товарищ Лох понимает, что у него не всё ещё потеряно, и Он свой шанс не упустит, и будет готов потерять ещё и ещё. Поэтому конечно не выбрасывайте такие ТС в корзину, господа.

2) "мягкий Мартин" !!! - не знаю как вас, а меня завораживает. мягкий.... Мартин..... мягкий.... Мартин..... мягкий.... Мартин..... мягкий.... Мартин..... мягкий.... Мартин..... мягкий.... Мартин..... мягкий.... Мартин..... мягкий.... Мартин..... мягкий.... Мартин..... мягкий.... Мартин..... мягкий.... Мартин..... мягкий.... Мартин..... мягкий.... Мартин..... мягкий.... Мартин..... мягкая.... Удавка.... мягкая.... Удавка.... мягкая.... Удавка.... мягкая.... Удавка.... мягкая.... Удавка.... мягкая.... Удавка.... мягкая.... Удавка.... мягкая.... Удавка.... мягкая.... Удавка.... мягкая.... Удавка.... мягкая.... Удавка.... мягкая.... Удавка.... Сразу и не просечёшь...

3) Когда у человека есть опыт - это хорошо.
-- Когда человек хочет этим опытом поделиться - это очень хорошо.
-- Когда Вам "бесплатно" предлагают рецептуру приготовления из говна - шоколада, разве Вы откажетесь??? Нет.
.......... .
Вот человек уже двести станиц делится, делится .... делится, делится .... И все никак....
.......... ........
Уважаемый, E_mc2, если есть что показать конкретно - так покажите!!!
.......... .....
Мы уже в курсе - Вы не кодер. Скриптов нет, индюков нет.....
Но Вы же на рынке ВОСЕМЬ, OO, восемь, 8 - успешных лет (надеюсь с этим спорить не будете)))
И с не менее успешным применением мягкого Мартина, упругого Лябушера и т.п......
.......... .........
И пожалуйста не скромничайте, не надо.
Вот именно сейчас это совсем не уместно.
Мы же знаем, что Человеку, который так великолепно считает маржу, наверняка есть что показать.
.......... .......
Пожалуйста, хотя бы один из стейтов с реала по системе Лябушер.

Просим!!! Просим!!! Просим!!! Просим!!!
(здесь слышны несмолкаемые аплодисменты и крики толпы)

Spring crisis? Or just a bad day? Why do you need my nets. What are you, the IRS? You need the stats, you gave me a link to a blog. You should look there a couple of stats on martin and examples of transactions, not a single day. http://forexvc.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2009-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B04%3A00&updated-max=2010-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B04%3A00&max-results=8

And I'm OK. Don't take it out on me))) You got the wrong guy.) I don't give a shit what you think. Or do you think I'm here on this forum, bragging about my stats and going out of my way to prove that martin earns or I personally earn? You got it all wrong.
Don't be so nervous. You're not taking care of yourself. If it makes you feel any better, I'll tell you, I'm losing... calm down... I've been losing for 8 years. About once every six months. I don't have any stats at all - I'm a demo guy. I'm a demo junkie)))) And martin's bullshit too, don't you dare use it. I hope you're relieved...
E_mc2 писал(а) >>

Spring crisis? Or just a bad day? Why do you need my nets. Who are you? You need the stats, you gave me a link to a blog. You should look there a couple of stats on martin and examples of transactions, not a single day. http://forexvc.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2009-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B04%3A00&updated-max=2010-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B04%3A00&max-results=8

And I'm OK. Don't take it out on me))) You got the wrong guy.) I don't give a shit what you think. Or do you think I'm here on this forum, bragging about my stats and going out of my way to prove that martin earns or I personally earn? You got it all wrong.
Don't be so nervous. You're not taking care of yourself. If it makes you feel any better, I'll tell you, I'm losing... calm down... I've been losing for 8 years. About once every six months. I don't have any stats at all - I'm a demo guy. I'm a demo junkie)))) And martin's bullshit too, don't you dare use it. I hope you're relieved...

Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!!
unstoppable applause and shouts from the crowd can be heard)