Avalanche - page 251

JonKatana писал(а) >>
Look up any reports on HOW the biggest banks and corporations on your planet trade forex. You will be VERY surprised. Analyse how they place orders, where they close profits and what the principle of trading is in general.

Please, point the way, where are the trading tactics of "the largest banks and corporations on your (or our? :)) planet?

JonKatana >>:

Другого ответа я и не ожидал. Больше вопросов к вам нет.

I see. So this is where claiming losses will only be recorded on one side and the loss will be greater than in MT5. You're lying. You can't prove it. You're playing dumb again. Whenever Cathal's question is uncomfortable, he gets cold feet. You can't prove it.

goldtrader >>: Ткните пожалуйста носом где излагаются торговые тактики "крупнейших банков и корпораций вашей (или нашей? :)) планеты?

Of course, this is public information - on one of Sirius' inhabited planets.

Mathemat писал(а) >>
Actually, the purpose of the statistics is not to calculate deposit growth. The main thing is to see what the maximum lots can be. And compare it with classic martin.

Alexey, I'm testing with Frenchman's MM now too.
The fundamental difference between it and the classic Martin is that
- For Martin, the killer maximum is a series of consecutive losing trades,
- For the Frenchman this series is also scary, but even more scary when such series are in series (pardon the pun) with some number of profitable ones between them. Classic Martin bails out at the 1st profitable deal, while Frenchman does not survive in such situation.
I will post the test results later.

goldtrader >>:

Ткните пожалуйста носом где излагаются торговые тактики "крупнейших банков и корпораций вашей (или нашей? :)) планеты?

Yeah, me too. I'd love to see these reputable sources, with reports on the financial operations of the major banks.
It turns out that Katala knows how banks place orders, where they close profits and what is the principle of trading.

Katala is very valuable and interesting information. I am serious. No kidding. It is the real deal. If you know it, you don't need Avalanche at all. We'll know where the biggest market-moving banks are opening and taking profits, and we'll be able to make millions. Can you give me a link to that valuable information? Or are you lying and you don't know anything?
For a Frenchman this series is also scary, but even scarier when such series go in series (pardon the pun) with some number of profitable ones in between. <br / translate="no">
Yeah, sounds about right, Alexander. As soon as I cope with my code - I'll post it too. Easier to explain on the fingers than to code :)
goldtrader >>:

Алексей, сейчас тоже проверяю с ММ француза.
Коренное отличие её от классического Мартина в том что
- для Мартина убийственной максимальная является серия последовательных проигрышных сделок,
- для француза эта серия тоже страшна, но ещё страшнее когда такие серии идут сериями (пардон за каламбур) с некоторым колиеством прибыльных между ними. Классический Мартин выруливает при1-й прибыльной сделке, француз же не выживает в такой ситуации.
Результаты тестов выложу позднее.

That's for sure. Martin Classic is a significantly more aggressive MM. Therefore it is clear that he needs a smaller percentage of profit trades to get to the +. Laboucher is softer and it is clear that he needs at least 33 to go to 0.

For a classic martin to turn a profit. It only takes one trade. That means if we have a series of 10 trades. nine losses and one profit. We're still in profit. So Martin goes on a profit with 10% of profitable trades. If we have a series of 100 trades...it doesn't matter if the deposit will hold or not. Purely theoretically. 99 in -, and 1+. This means that Martin made a profit in only 1% of trades. In a series of 1000 trades, Martin is in the + position in 0.1 tenth of a percent.

The funny thing is that martin classics with increasing trades decreases % profit trades necessary for the exit in the +.

And here in Laboucher it is not. There ALWAYS at any series nada will have at least 33% of profitable trades.

So what are you trying to compare? MM who will always have at least 33% of profitable trades and MM who will always have at least 33%?

What are you guys talking about? It is clear that the classic martin will profit at a much lower % of profit trades. Laboucher is calculated on the fact that you have a TS that has at least 40% of profitable trades. On a stab lot it's a loss. On Laboucher this is profit. Adjust the MM to the TS and be happy.

E_mc2 >>:
Логично предположить что если ты это заявляешь - то надеюсь не на пустом месте. Значит ты уже видел отчёты от крупнейших банков твоей планеты? И что и правда по Лавине торгуют? А крупные банки и корпорации тебе лично отчёты дают о своих финансовых операциях?
Я извиняюсь за не скромный вопрос, а доказательства этому бреду будут?? Или ты лжошь.
Ты случайно не тот самый менегер который в Дойче на МТ4 ярдами лочит по Оползню))))

Assume and make up whatever you want. Provide a quote. Otherwise you are lying.

E_mc2 >>:
Да легко. Страница 242 твой пост в самом низу.
Отсылаешь человека на солидные источники которые должны потвердить что крупные банки торгуют по Лавине. Значит ты уже сам видел эти источники которые это потвердят??Или ты лжошь и нет никаких источников. Ты что опять на дибила косить начал. Не пройдёт. Ссылку на источники которые потвердят что крупные банки торгуют по Лавине. Иначе ты лжошь.

A quote where I wrote what I highlighted in colour. Otherwise you are lying.

E_mc2 писал(а) >>

What are you guys talking about? It's clear that a classic martin will turn a profit at a much lower % of profitable trades. Laboucher is designed for you to have a TS that has at least 40% of profitable trades. On a stab lot it's a loss. On Laboucher this is profit. Adjust MM to TS and be happy.

We trade using PRNG. About 50% of trades will be profitable (with the spread taken into account - less than 50%), on a long interval there will be a loss due to the spread. Condition 33% is fulfilled.
Who will do the test? :)