Literature. Neural networks. Genetic algorithms. Digital signal processing. Mathematics, analysis. Statistics. - page 13


Lipsky - Combinatorics for programmers.

46135-book.rar  1364 kb

John Bentley - The Pearls of Programming.

Download link: (3 megabytes)


Krasikov. The algorithms are as simple as 2*2.


Cornell - Data Analysis in Excel.

The book explains how to use Eexel to find solutions to problems (a feature of the software, if you don't know). It can be downloaded from here:


to drknn.

Thank you for your active and helpful participation in this thread. I would also like to thank those who wish to post links to literature in this thread. I ask to all of you, please wait 2-3 weeks and do not post here more please (it will facilitate my task of systematization and moving the accumulated material to a new branch). Soon, in the next 2-3 days we will create a new branch with all updated references to literature. This branch will cease to exist and a fresh and updated branch of literature will be created in its place.


A request to you. Please collect all the links from your posts in this thread in one post. Preferably divided by subject. I will download and put in folders here.

It's a great feature now to be able to place the files so that you can conveniently download each book individually. In the future, I'll just add new l-ra to the appropriate folders.

You can offer additional topics in addition to those that I have allocated.


We have a favor to ask you. Please collect all the links from your posts in this branch into one post. Preferably dividing them by subject. I will download and organize by folder here.

It's a great feature now to be able to place the files in a way that makes it easy to download the books one by one. In the future, I'll just add new l-ra to the appropriate folders.

You can offer additional topics in addition to those that I have allocated.

// ---------- Mathematics ------------------------
Hagarty. "Discrete Mathematics for Programmers". File size 4 meters.
Lipsky - Combinatorics for programmers.

// ---------- Thinking (psychology) ------------------------

Silov V.B. Strategic Decision Making in a Fuzzy Environment

// ----------------- Formal, mathematical and other logics ----------------------
This bibliography was cut up into 50 megabyte volumes by WinRar. Therefore, to unpack you need to download all parts of the archive, but unpack only the first (the rest will be picked up automatically).
Total size of all files is 223 megabytes.
Download links:
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -

A picture of the list of books here

// -------------- Informal Logic.
Books by Edward De Bono:
- Using lateral thinking
- Six hats of thinking
- Water logic
- Teach yourself to think. A self-study guide to thinking
- Serious creative thinking
- I'm right, you're wrong

// ----------- Statistics ------------------
Anderson T. "Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis"

// ------------- Programming --------------------
A collection of books on Lisp + programming shell
John Bentley - The Pearls of Programming.
Krasikov. Algorithms - simple as 2*2.

Prolog programming language
- Ivan Bratko "Prolog programming language for artificial intelligence".
- Ivan Bratko "Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in Prolog".
- Sterling L., Shapiro E. "The Art of Prolog Programming".
- W. Kloxin, K. Mellish "Prolog programming" (djvu format - file is divided into chapters)
- W.Kloxin, K.Mellish "Prolog Programming" (pdf format)
- Eduardo Costa "Visual Prolog for Beginners".
- Eduardo Costa "Visual Prolog 7.0 for Tyros" (Russian book)
- A. A. Morozov, Yu. V. Obukhov "Actor Prolog
- A. Adamenko, A. Kuchukov "Logic programming and Visual Prolog".
- J. Malpass. "Prolog Relational Language and its Application".
The Visual Prolog 7.2" installer is also included in the archive.

// ---------- Cryptography, cryptanalysis, steganography --------------------------
AbbottTritimius - Steganography (book written in latin)
Bruce Schneier - Applied Cryptography
Bruce Schneier - Weaknesses of cryptographic systems
Bruce Schneier - Secrets and lies
Gustav Selenus - The Complete Cryptography System (English book)
Tilborg - Basics of Cryptology
V.V.Yashchenko - Introduction to Cryptography
В. Zhelnikov - Cryptography from Papyrus to Computer
Gilles Brassard - Modern Cryptology
M.N.Arshinov,L.E.Sadovsky - Codes and mathematics(Tales about coding)
Н. Koblits - Course of number theory and Cryptography
Nesterenko - About the proof of simplicity of numbers
S.G.Barichev, R.E.Serov - Fundamentals of modern Cryptography
Saloma - Public key cryptography
Sapegin - Defects in cryptographic protocols
Digital steganography
Cheremushkin - Lectures on arithmetic algorithms in cryptography
Added 2 versions of FreeQ program for frequency analysis of cryptograms to archive.

As for the other partitions, I have almost 9 gigs in my computer now. I just don't know what else a programmer could use. By the way, I downloaded some stuff on Delphi, C++, PHP and some other programming languages. I will have to compare them later.


Here is a list of available sections (some contain subsections). Maybe someone will need something...

It would be nice if someone made a list for self-taught beginners with what to start studying in order to understand what you read in these books ... like me ... I downloaded it, for which I thank the author of this blog ... ..... but to understand it all you need in my opinion other books ..... for example ABC book ))))) yyyyy
It would be nice if someone made a list for self-taught beginners with what to start learning to understand what you read in these books ... as for example me ... I downloaded it, for which I thank the author of the thread ... ..... but to understand it all you need in my opinion other books ..... for example ABC book ))))) yyyyy

You can do the following. For example, a person decided to learn C++. There are a ton of textbooks on this language. So he/she goes to Google and types in a search query like "the best C++ textbook". The search engine produces a lot of links to forums where this question is discussed. This way, we get an answer from someone who understands the subject.

It is clear that to study a subject from scratch, you need to take the best literature, otherwise the desire to learn the subject will quickly fade away.