[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 32

By the way, read up on EPS on the internet, a lot of people might find it interesting. Today's science is silent on the subject.
Yurixx >>:

Это что-то новое в физике. Для мух одни законы - маленькие, для вертолетов - другие, большие. :-)

Еще раз про статистику: https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/123519/page25#264333

Давление мух вниз действительно рассеивается в результате столкновений молекул воздуха между собой. Но импульс передается без изменений ! Для этого есть закон сохранения импульса. Поэтому рассеяние давления происходит не в стороны, а по всему полу. Нельзя же так грубо иметь статистику. Она может обидеться.

For simplicity and clarity, you can even EXCEPT IMPULSE for a while (even though you called me bad words. see how kind I am?).

Forget about momentum. Work by Blaise Pascal. Flies block the box like a piston. They flap their wings. They're flapping because the average pressure BELOW them is 1000 kG MORE than the pressure BELOW them. This difference in pressure is what compensates for gravity. This pressure difference is called "lifting force". Thus, the air pressure on the BOTTOM WALL of the box is 1000kG MORE than the air pressure on the top.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Another illustration: if you push the piston down inside a vessel of water, that vessel can let the water flow anywhere, not directly down below the piston.

Yes, but there will be more pressure at the bottom of the vessel. This effect seems to have been demonstrated by Pascal with a barrel of water.


Yurixx >>:

Я понял, Сергей. Оказывается это ты - гоблин. Ну так бы сразу и сказал.

Lifting force is not when the body presses down on the air, but the opposite - when the air (gas) presses down on the body. It is impossible to do otherwise, otherwise you cannot take off. Even the great Zhukovsky said "there is support everywhere in the air" (C). Even flies fly this way. Otherwise it is possible only to surf the open spaces of the big theatre with a jet engine attached to a butt.

PS: and statistics work for our flies.

Now you haven't answered a few of my questions. Are you a goblin? :о)


In short, we have to look for an answer. The argument is already deadlocked and passions are running high.

By the way, we somehow forgot about the plane (the one with the transporter). But there, too, no solution to the problem satisfied everyone.

Да, но на дно сосуда давление больше будет. Этот эффект кажется Паскаль демонстрировал с бочкой воды.


Richie, read the link carefully, and after that say again that "there will be more pressure at the bottom of the vessel".

Mathemat писал(а) >>

In short, we have to look for an answer. The argument is already deadlocked and passions are running high.

By the way, we somehow forgot about the plane (the one with the transporter). But there, too, no solution to the problem satisfied everyone.

It will take off unequivocally. And the helicopter will take off. And walking away is a typical situation.

Mathemat >>:

Короче, надо искать ответ. Спор уже зашел в тупик, а страсти накалились.

Кстати, про самолет (который с транспортером) мы почему-то забыли. Но и там ни одно решение задачи всех не устроило.

Maybe we should consult the forum of the Faculty of Mechanics? Flies can be integrated, right?

Mathemat писал(а) >>

No, Yuri, he didn't, I saw him. Well, I already wrote it down.

I don't know. You haven't answered anywhere about the statistics. It's essential, though: chaotic pressure of molecules on walls due to Brownian motion and orderly pressure of all flies down. Same statistic ?

Mathemat wrote(a) >>

I wonder if you had a different one somewhere: a column of air pressing down on top of an entire atmosphere - where from? Is it the weight of the molecules above you ? No. It is the pressure created by the air that presses everywhere and in all directions.

It is the weight of the molecules that are above you !

Mathemat wrote(a) >>

And why isn't a fly an external force? It's a real external force.

No, an internal one, as it is inside the aeroplane. You're not weighing it on separate scales, but together with the plane.

Mathemat wrote(a) >>

That doesn't change the fact that if you squeeze it somewhere inside the gas (with a wing), it will affect all the walls at once.

So you think that if I get into this plane with a strong fan and turn it on, the pressure on all the walls will increase, and equally so ? It's a treasure trove, you could make a perpetual motion machine like that. Then you wouldn't need a forex. And mankind would benefit. A lot. :-)
Richie >>:

Он взлетит однозначно. И вертолёт взлетит. А уход в сторону - это типичная ситуация.

won't take off unless Yuri pushes.

Mathemat >>:

Короче, надо искать ответ. Спор уже зашел в тупик, а страсти накалились.

Кстати, про самолет (который с транспортером) мы почему-то забыли. Но и там ни одно решение задачи всех не устроило.

What about the plane? It is jet-propelled, held up by the wings on a wave of air due to the difference in pressure from below and above the wing. Reactive force pushes the plane forward. The speed of the aeroplane depends on the reactive force and on the lift force. Neither the speed of the ground, the direction of rotation of the ground, nor the distance from the ground determine these factors. Therefore, the plane will take off. It's just that its wheels will be spinning at twice the speed during take-off. That's all there is to it.