[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 28
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AlexEro, вот Вы-то точно шутить изволите. Хороший юмор.
No, colleague, I'm not joking. the problem setter was joking a bit about these flies. to stay in the air, these flies create an air vortex with a lifting force of 1 tonne. The flies are not jet flies, they flap their wings and create wind. the hope is that the wind will settle and turn into heat before the moment the wind reaches the bottom wall of the fly box - it could be possible if there were 10 flies with total weight of 10 grams. but there is a ton of them, equal to the weight of the plane. Therefore, despite the pirouettes of the flies in the box - which indeed partially press both the side walls and the top, but again - IF the flies hang in the middle, their wind presses on the bottom wall of the box in the aircraft.
They interact, but in all directions. It's almost the same molecules, just bigger.
I agree. The molecules are big, but that doesn't change anything. Let's liquefy the air in the plane, cool it down, it'll be a puddle
on the floor of the plane. The weight of the plane won't change.
ось "y" - вес или какая то "динамика"?
The x-axis is time, the y-axis is the weight of the system as a whole. Dynamic formulation of the problem.
If the problem is set statically, the weight will NOT change.
пипсыThen the plane will wobble along "all the dynamics" and not at all on such a schedule. It will be stretched three times, flattened twice, then 'flipped' and then 'collapsed'. And it's all pip flies.
Ладно. Тогда так. В воздухе вокруг самолета витают мельчайшие частицы, и броуновское движение не дает им осесть вниз на самолет. Весят они ровно 1т. Теперь внимание, сколько будет весить система в целом, если самолету придать электростатический заряд так, что бы частицы на него осели. (массой потеряных/приобретенных электронов при электростатическом заряде пренебречь)?
Тогда самолет будет колбасить по "всей динамики" и вовсе не по такому графику. Его три раза растянет, два раза расплющит, потом "подкинет" и затем "обрушит". И это все пипсовые мухи.
Surely those flies took off on the news and landed at the close on FridayIf the flies stay in the air, they create a lifting force of a tonne. which acts on the plane.
AlexEro, you have got to be kidding me. Good humor.
AlexEro, you're wrong. That's the most specific and fair statement I've read from AlexEro.
If you think it's wrong, then explain why flies don't fall down. :-)
Enough about the flies already. Give me something more interesting. You have one in your stash, don't you?
Yuri, we're talking about flies, not helicopters. They'll be smaller, and the disturbance from their wings will go evenly in all directions. Especially since there's a ton of them. Statistics...
No matter how big or how many they are, they'll still interact with the plane.
All right, then. Let's put it this way. There's a cubic metre of air with flies and there's a cubic metre of air without flies. Which one of these cubic meters
weighs more? The answer is with the flies, whether they are flying in that cubic metre or sitting on its walls.
If the average density of a fly is less than the density of air (hydrogen fly), then accordingly it does not need this interaction, it already
by Archimedes' law upwards. But, it is bigger.
Каких бы они размеров не были и сколько бы их не было, они будут всё равно взаимодействовать с самолётом.
Хорошо. Давайте так. Есть кубометр воздуха с мухами и есть кубометр воздуха без мух. Какой из этих кубометров
весит больше? Ответ - с мухами, вне зависимости от того, летают они в этом кубометре или сидят на его стенках.
You yourself asked not to confuse mass and weight