Once again, about MQL localisation - page 6

IlyaA писал(а) >>

I'm a professional 1C person :). I've written enough in 7 years. Feels good, just great!

I kind of am, too.

Feeling pretty good too, but, unlike you ;), I've been avoiding Russian-language syntax for the last 5 years.

So, so far it's 1:1 :)

faa1947 писал(а) >>

What does Assembler have to do with it? Although there is free access to all libraries and C and Fortran, etc. We are discussing a high-level language, so maybe there will be a debugger.

With your phrase:

MQL in general ... on a programming language in principle does not pull .

faa1947 писал(а) >>

What does Assembler have to do with it? Although there is free access to all the libraries and C and Fortran, etc. We are discussing a high-level language, so maybe there will be a debugger.

Actually, we are discussing a trading application system that includes a programming language. The user is a trader, not a programmer and if we look wider from this point of view, we'll see a number of gaps in trading and some tricky programming. The main question is "this, a particular feature, does or does not contribute to writing TS?" All for trading systems, not for ideas in programming, reserved words, etc. Practically all 20th century mathematics has evolved under the influence of economics. In MQL there is no mathematics at all, and we are discussing if or if. You have to lose your purpose in life like that.

faa1947 >> :

Actually, we are discussing an application system for trading, which includes a programming language. The user is a trader, not a programmer, and if we look more broadly from this point of view, we will find a number of gaps in trading and some programming contrivances. The main question is "this, a particular feature, does or does not contribute to writing TS?" All for trading systems, not for ideas in programming, reserved words, etc. Practically all 20th century mathematics has evolved under the influence of economics. In MQL there is no mathematics at all, and we are discussing if or if. You have to lose your purpose in life.

I get the impression that you haven't even heard of such a thing as a "Turing machine"?

Who's stopping you from rewriting those very libraries?

A programming language is what people use to express what they call a program. It doesn't have to have any implementation at all. :)

Azzx писал(а) >>

I get the impression that you haven't even heard of such a thing as a "Turing machine"?

Then again, who's stopping you from rewriting those very libraries?

A programming language is what people use to express what they call a program. It doesn't have to have any implementation at all. :)

I recommend the programming language of all times - ALGOL-68.

DDFedor >> :

The point is, with your response, I would like to respond to faa1947, about the scale of the percentage of programmers (or "software users", as you like) among "finance and accounting"... who use 1C and Exell... Why do I ask you to answer? because you must have extensive experience in communicating on the merits of the issue with "accountants-financiers"

Unfortunately these (and with a small letter and impersonally) themselves can make only an estimate, about the balance sheet and IFRS it to the financiers, these guys are much better. But the programmers of 1C and Excel (the truth why Excel is attributed here is not clear. There is a semi localized language in Russian where not everything is possible, or rather much is impossible :) very much and they are really faster in learning the language. They do learn it quicker. I hope I covered the question correctly.
faa1947 писал(а) >>

Actually, we are discussing an application system for trading, which includes a programming language. The user is a trader, not a programmer, and if we look more broadly from this point of view, we will find a number of gaps in trading and some programming contrivances. The main question is "this, a particular feature, does or does not contribute to writing TS?" All for trading systems, not for ideas in programming, reserved words, etc. Practically all 20th century mathematics has evolved under the influence of economics. In MQL there is no mathematics at all, and we are discussing if or if. You have to lose your purpose in life like that.

1) Generally speaking, this is a discussion of "whether Russian syntax is needed in MQL" or not.

2) If we refer to the problems of non-programmer trader, a programming system based on Maple type is more acceptable.

3) Personally I think that physics had much more influence on development of mathematics in XX century than economics. But you're probably an economist :)

What are we smoking? And more importantly, where do we buy this nuclear stuff? )))
PapaYozh писал(а) >>

1) In general, we are discussing "whether Russian syntax is needed in MQL".

2) If we refer to the problems of non-programmer trader, the Maple-type programming system is more acceptable for him.

3) Personally I think that physics had much more influence on development of mathematics in XX century than economics. But you're probably an economist :)

My speciality is "applied mathematics", which I have applied to economics all my life. Let's see how many functions Excel has, even though it is focused on a subject area expressed in tabular form. However, (I looked it up on purpose) Excel has a huge section called "Interaction with the rest of the world". The official MQL documentation doesn't contain a single line about it.

IlyaA писал(а) >>

Unfortunately these (with a small letter and impersonally) themselves can only make estimates, about the balance sheet and IFRS is to the financiers, these guys are much better. But the programmers of 1C and Excel (though why Excel is attributed here is not clear yet. There is a semi localized language in Russian where not everything is possible, or rather much is impossible :) very much and they are really faster in learning the language. Their mother tongue is theirs, all the same. I hope I covered the question correctly.

In general, I wanted to say that bureaucrats do not get into programming at all, financiers do not consider making their own "report" as programming, all this to say that we should distinguish between "user" and "programmer" in ANY PRODUCT... now we are talking about an environment FOR PROGRAMMERS, and "accountants-financiers", as users, are not at all representative in this topic, as well as traders who do not open the meta-editor... who don't give a damn about "Russian" or "NOT Russian"...