Once again, about MQL localisation - page 5

Azzx писал(а) >>

Here are two examples of solutions: 1C and Excel. I spit from both.

But millions of economists and accountants don't, and snobs who boast about their English of unknown quality could be ignored.

By the way, Excel can compete with MQL in many ways. It should be remembered that MQL doesn't have mathematical functions similar to Excel at all, so it can't be called a programming language.

IlyaA >> :

I'm a professional 1C person :). I've written enough in 7 years. I feel good, just great!

I hope it's not contagious. :)

But there's one already - that's good.

faa1947 >> :

But millions of economists, accountants do not spit, and the snobs who boast of their English of unknown quality could be ignored.

There are kind of nuances here... First of all I don't know English (as I think myself) and secondly English has nothing to do with it. And if they don't spit, they don't spit from "ribbon" either. I've been thinking more and more about Open Office. Although I don't want to spend time mastering it at the same level as Open Office. But I will have to. :(

Well, the "no tongue" thing, sorry, that's just funny. :)


Two equally respected families,

In Verona, where the events greet us,

Are engaged in medowarfare

And won't stop the bloodshed.



why go far? we have a 1C professional... tell us please... what is the situation with "finance-accountants"? what percentage of this category of users can enter the configurator without fear, as well as enter the configurator without fear for 1C programmer ... the same question, if it is not difficult to comment on the programming in Excell...

DDFedor >> :

why go far? we have a 1C professional... tell us please... what is the situation with "finance-accountants"? what percentage of this category of users can enter the configurator without fear and also enter the configurator without fear for 1C programmer... same question if it is not difficult to comment on the programming in Excell...

With pleasure I will answer, but I have not understood the essence of the question yet. The only thing that comes to mind is if the bogeyman gets in there, it's worse for him. :) Can you tell me more about Excel?

Mm-hmm. A plague on both your houses.

(It's a hard and unpleasant life for a programmer.)

faa1947 писал(а) >>

By the way, Excel can compete with MQL in many ways. I'd like to remind you that MQL has no mathematical functions at all, at least close to Excel, so it can't be considered a programming language.

Well... Ostap has gone too far...

Excuse me, Assembler may not be good enough to be a programming language?

PapaYozh писал(а) >>

Well... Ostap's got a little bit of a problem here...

And Assembler, excuse me, is not a programming language too?

Why Assembler? Although there is free access to all the libraries both in C and Fortran etc. After all we are discussing a high-level language, may be there will be a debugger.

IlyaA писал(а) >>

I will gladly answer, but I have not got the gist of the question yet. The only thing that comes to mind is that if an accountant gets in there it will be worse for him. :) More about Excel, please.

The point is, with your response, I would like to respond to faa1947, about the scale of the percentage of programmers (or "software users", as you like) among "finance and accounting"... who use 1C and Exell... Why do I ask you to answer? because you must have extensive experience of communicating on the merits with "accountants-financiers"