Once again, about MQL localisation - page 4

Russian, Russian, Russian !!! Hooray comrades! (:-DDD)

Enlighten me: originally Excel was written in what language, and in what language do we use this Excel? Shall we continue the list?

faa1947 >> :

Enlighten me: originally Excel was written in what language, and in what language do we use this Excel? >> why don't we continue the list?

Just because I use excel more often here doesn't mean I care about it. It's a tool to solve a specific problem, that's all. And I'm sure it would be easier if you could write in Excel like you write in 1C. If...OtherwiseElse...OtherwiseElse...EndingElse. And originally Gates, of course, wrote it in English (just a mean guy, I told him to write it in Russian, but he didn't understand. That's all). :-D
ForexTools писал(а) >>

The topic has already been touched upon in passing. I'm talking about the possibility to write experts completely in Russian (or any other language) in MQL. Something like this:

Логический Четный;

Цикл ( целое НомерПозиции = 1; НомерПозиции <= ДлиннаБуфера; НомерПозиции++ )
  Если ( Остаток(НомерПозиции, 2) = 0 ) тогда Четный = Инстина; иначе Четный = Ложь;

Why "even" and not "even"?

And on the merits of the topic - I personally am against localization. In 1C, by the way, which you cite as an example, a mess in the Russian version of the language: interspersed plural and singular, in Russian there is no "NULL", and "IsNULL" - just a "masterpiece" word.

IlyaA писал(а) >>

Just because I use Excel more often here doesn't mean I care about it. It's a tool to solve a particular problem and that's all. And I'm sure it would be easier if you could write in excel like you do in 1C. If...OtherwiseElse...OtherwiseElse...EndingElse. And originally Gates, of course, wrote it in English (just a mean guy, I told him to write it in Russian, but he didn't understand. That's all). :-D

An interesting thing: Gates is in Russian for us, and our Russians show off their education, and then we scold Americans for chauvinism.

IlyaA писал(а) >>

in Excel is like writing in 1C. If...OtherwiseIf...OtherwiseElse...EndElse. And originally Gates, of course, wrote it in English (he just had a nasty uncle, I told him to write it in Russian, but he didn't understand. That's all). :-D

Let it be known that Gates wasn't writing, he was selling.

Wow, what a boiling cauldron! PapaYozh, masterpiece word it is, but nobody prints it there's a master there :).
IlyaA писал(а) >>
Wow, that's a boilin' cauldron! PapaYozh, masterpiece word is yes, but no one prints it. >> there's a master there :).

Remember "never say 'never'"?

I was referring to the one I highlighted.


How many of you are there! Noooooo! Not the rope and not the bullets - just our orthodox axe!!!

Here's an example of two solutions: 1C and Excel. I spit from both of them. In the latter, however, if you want you can almost completely do without "localization". Although, the fact that I can't use in cells normal names of embedded functions really pisses me off. I can imagine what terms people use when they have to explain to a foreigner where and how to write "COLLECT" and other nonsense. Fortunately, I've never had such a task myself, and for myself it's not a problem to write a little script.

But I was wondering, dear sirs "localizers" - which of you personally has written at least ten thousand lines of code in the "Russian-speaking" dialect?

Azzx >> :

which one of you has personally written at least ten thousand lines of code in the "russian-speaking" dialect?

I am a professional 1C specialist :). I wrote enough for 7 years. I feel good, just great!