Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 22

This thread is blatant advertising. No trade, no discussion. Niroba and his pictures are sickening. This thread should be deleted.
gip >> :
This thread is blatant advertising. No trade, no discussion. Niroba is already sick of it. The branch should be deleted.

I completely agree.

The only condition under which she could be tolerated:

Monitoring, PAMM or invest-password.

gip писал(а) >>
This thread is blatant advertising. No trade, no discussion. Niroba and his pictures are making us sick. This thread should be deleted.

seconded :) - pure PR... especially in the title of the thread...

the mouse is drawn to the thread... 'SPAM, SPAMERS AND THEIR ASSOCIATES...'

with the caption "cleverly camouflaged advertising"

And the p0n0s wouldn't stop leaking through my ears.)
gip >> :
This thread is blatant advertising. No trade, no discussion. I'm sick of Niroba and his pictures. We should delete it.

Why do you keep deleting and deleting?

>> wait till the branch goes sour

But it will remain available through search engines and at least someone will not be fooled by it and lose money on Niroba's feed.

LeoV писал(а) >>

Where, where? The answer seems to be in the word that rhymes with "where" .....)))))

As one gynaecologist used to say, "Not there either.

NYROBA писал(а) >>

On October 2 I put two pending buy orders with a take profit at 1.4840

I expect a sharp surge upwards, at least to 1.4850, and then a swift

down to at least 1.34.

That's just me. I quoted Niroba, so that he did not inadvertently remove his "forecast". He has such a bad habit.

Judging by the background, so furiously spit upon by Niroba, the Euro will go surely higher 1.4850, and even the long-promised 1.51.

We shall see.


Let's see... I don't think we should delete this thread, I agree with Mischek.

But the locked account is long awaited, Alex! I think we've already agreed before they killed the previous thread. The main thing is to have a good return on your investment passwords and account numbers. If pokosostatovat to share with all - let's at least first representatives, the jury, so to speak. Let's choose Leonid, say, a couple more people - to testify that the account exists. Let's have real-time trading!!! NIROBA vs Heel!!!

Alexan >> :

If you're too pissed to tell everyone, let's at least have a representative first, a jury, so to speak. Let's pick, say, Leonid and a couple of other people to testify that the account exists. Let's have real-time trading!!! NIROBA vs Heel!!!

Risk free ways have been suggested more than once:

- monitoring on onyx,

- opening a PAMM.

But that's not the reason ...


I think all the shouting about the investment password etc. is in vain. Niroba will only put it out in hindsight and after he has significantly raised his account. If he fails to do so, especially if he leaks it again, he will quietly bail for a few months, as has happened many times before.

Niroba's tactics are clearly visible here:

NYROBA писал(а) >>

I'm going to take advantage of this situation by opening accounts

with a few reliable brokers, I want to go all in on the sell, using wave theory

I know the moment when it is necessary to do it :-)

Adventurism, arrogance, bluster. So even if his strategy works under certain conditions, his killing tactics will never allow him to trade successfully. And the reason here is not so much greed as an irrepressible thirst for self-assertion. This is the 5th or 6th time he's been down this road in the last 3.5 years. For this reason it makes absolutely no sense to convince him of anything or prove anything to him. Unless, of course, his opponent suffers from a need to assert himself. :-)