Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 17

NYROBA писал(а) >>

Heel, you're not really a fuck-up, are you?! :о)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Heel, heel, heel, heel.... and here I was thinking, mm-hmm !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;о)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

give me your password.

>> I'll give it to you, and I'll rip your stupid, stupid ass.

LeoV писал(а) >>

So show your skills in real life, not on screenshots.....))))

who cares, screenshots are made from real time trading accounts anyway :)))))))

NYROBA писал(а) >>

who cares, screenshots are taken from live trading accounts anyway :)))))))

I see what's going on with you. "You're a freeloader, Niroba!"(c) .....))))

cablyk писал(а) >>

give me your password

I'll give you mine.

I think it's fair that the deposit amounts should be the same.

On Monday, September 14 I was talking about a 10K deposit, but in a couple of weeks of trading

I've made a small profit, now I'm at $14,260.

Your choice, either I withdraw $4,260 or you deposit up to 14K.

After three months of trading, we'll see who's got the most money

will be the winner.

I am waiting for your trading account login and investment password!

Let's see if you are as good at trading as you are at talking!!! :))))))))))

You're a painter, you're a painter... ;о)

cablyk >> :

Give me your investment password


Waiting for your trading account username and investment password!

>> It's a vicious circle.


I think it is fair that the deposit amounts should be the same.

On Monday, September 14 I was talking about a 10K deposit, but in a couple of weeks of trading

I've made a small profit, now I'm at $14,260.

Your choice, either I withdraw $4,260 or you deposit up to 14K.

After three months of trading, we'll see who's got the most money

will be the winner.

I am waiting for your trading account login and investment password!

Let's see if you are as good at trading as you are at talking!!! :))))))))))

You're a painter, you're a painter... ;о)

Will you guys be covering the competition? If you can at the end of the week. >> Very interesting.

P.S. You agreed, didn't you? Well done!

NYROBA писал(а) >>

After three months of trading, we will sum up the results.

will be the winner.

In fact, for me personally, this argument is not interesting. I am interested in you, Niroba, as a person who has made many loud and controversial statements here. The faint hope that everything you've said here is true is still hothouse, but in principle it's already dead. So you either back up what you say or refute it - but only with real trading, not with screenshots. If in real life your words don't disagree with your equity, then I'll be willing to buy your analytics, signals, trust management and other stuff + read and believe your posts and Neely. But my life experience tells me that it's all actually profanity. To be clear - I believe that you can earn on Forex, but not as you do and not at such a rate.

P.S. Nothing personal - just business.....)))))

NYROBA писал(а) >>

Classic truncation in the c-wave, the Lesser Order (it is highlighted in green),

Golden Ratio corrected and merged, common with truncation, as truncation

indicates the strength of the opposite trend. :-)

This triple a-b-c is the B-wave of the Bigger Order, it is highlighted in red.

All financial markets ALWAYS!!! follow the principle of fractality, in three-wave increments.

At the end of the cycle from 261.8% started buying again

To determine the end of the current wave, cast the Fibonacci net over the preceding one. :о)

>> Thank you.

IlyaA писал(а) >>

Will you guys be covering the competition? If possible at the end of the week. Very interesting.

P.S. You did it, didn't you? Well done!

... It's the law of the show's genre and publicity campaign...

then you'll be disappointed, but not for long... then you'll be delighted... ...then you'll be put into a few more states of mind...

... the law of the show and commercial genre...

... show must go on ...