SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 96


Andrei, that's how we get all the sultanas out of the bun. The man is interesting with his weirdness.

No, no, I'm not against sultanas. I'm against too many sultanas and they start to overpower the main flavor of the dish. Everything is good in moderation.
This is the wrong question.
Rather, sp9 has the wrong nickname ;) or vice versa... Anyway, I'd like to say - transparently encrypted in a new nickname.
I could be wrong, but his name was Sergei.

Probably not Sergei. There were two of them at the time.

Colleagues, is my proposed "Point Eight" of the rules worthless?

Does everyone really think it is complete nonsense?


Let's give it a try. Let's create two or three experimental threads on which the eighth point of the rules will apply.

Gradually, the rule will be polished. And if the effect will be positive, we will introduce it everywhere.

What is the problem?


Colleagues, is my proposed "Point Eight" of the rules worthless?

Does everyone really think it is complete nonsense?


Let's give it a try. Let's create two or three experimental threads on which the eighth point will apply.

Gradually, the rule will be polished. And if the effect will be positive, we will introduce it everywhere.

What is the problem?

There is one problem for the eighth item. The Metakwots' consent to this item. Otherwise it is useless. The topic has come up more than once, so the answer has always been that it won't happen.

That is why it is useless to discuss it. And there is no point in bringing it up either.


Oh Matemat, the last thing I expected was to see such lines from you and, consequently, such an approach. I can't say anything about joo, I don't always follow his posts, but Svinozavr is an old friend. And as a friend (we had a fight with him again), I will say in short - he is a chatterbox, though, damn it - he is nice to talk. With him it's sometimes more pleasant to argue than ... but...


PS: Please do not delete this post, and then notice for you and some of this habit.

Sergei, it's always more comfortable on the other side of the barricades. You'd better offer yourself as a moderator: then it would become clear to you where moderators live - in a spherical vacuum with reinforced rules, or still in a dynamic interaction with community members, which requires understanding the rules not by the letter, but by the spirit.

P.S. I try to delete the untouchable's posts only when absolutely necessary :)

P.P.S. for sp9: take another look in your personal message.


Sergei, it's always more comfortable on the other side of the barricades. You'd better offer yourself as a moderator: then it would become clear to you where moderators live - in a spherical vacuum with reinforced rules, or still in a dynamic interaction with the community participants, which requires understanding the rules not to the letter, but in spirit.

P.S. I try to delete untouchable posts only when absolutely necessary :)

P.P.S. for sp9: take another look in your personal message.

Too late Alexei, I'm back again . )) Smiled sadly twice. As I was taught.


Late ...

However, promptly.


Sergey, on the other side of the barricades - it's always more comfortable. You'd better offer yourself as a moderator: then it would become clear to you where moderators live - in a spherical vacuum with reinforced rules, or all the same in a dynamic interaction with the community participants, which requires understanding the rules not by the letter, but by the spirit.

P.S. I try to delete untouchable posts only when absolutely necessary :)

P.P.S. for sp9: take another look in your personal message.

Yeah, I get it, - more comfortable, that's true. And I perfectly understand that the forum should have a backbone, and it will be formed in any case. But Alexey, I'm not on the other side of the barricades, but trying to run between the sides and remind that "guys, let's live amicably" :o). It's Christmas day :o).


However, it was quick.

Yeah, the branch was killed in a hurry.

Maybe it's the usual technical glitch that Mr. paukas was telling us about?

And since I'm always prepared for technical glitches, I can duplicate the thread.

May I?