SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 97


Yes, the branch was killed promptly.

Could it be the common technical glitch that Mr. paukas was telling us about?

And since I am always prepared for technical failures I can duplicate the thread.

May I?

Why ask?

Am I doing something forbidden?


Why ask?

Am I doing something forbidden?

No, you're not.

But as no one has shown any awareness of the reasons for the extreme ban, there are possible nuances.


...Разве я делаю что-то запрещённое?

Oh, yeah! And you know it.

From the Rules:

"...ignoring a moderator's remarks, and all the more overt disrespect for the administration of this resource will result in the blocking of access."

Restoring a thread after it has been deleted by the administration is not only ignoring, but public disrespect. Good riddance.

I think a lifetime ban is inhumane.

I request a reduction of the sentence to 25 years.

Yeah, if you're allowed a lifetime ban, maybe 25 years for all, that's 25 minutes per brother? ;)

Lasso has not banned him yet. The more so because he has been on the forum and has been banned forever. The man is simply an eternal fighter. This should be taken into account and accepted normally.

He was, but under a different nickname (if he sees fit, he will say so), but that would be fraught with danger. It is better for those who do not know to guess.

And he has like-minded people on the forum. If they behave correctly, they may make the forum better.

He restored what was deleted, and now the blame has begun. I do not see anything incriminating in the fact that the casino and forex are twin brothers, and I think that Lasso (or Samzvanets) is right on the subject.

(Can a corpse be revived?)


What was deleted he restored, and so the condemnation began. In general I see nothing wrong with the fact that the casino and forex are twin brothers and I believe that Lasso (or impostor) is right on the subject.

(Can a corpse be revived?)

All that is dead is dead. Reincarnations are in a different department.


Whatever is dead is dead. Reincarnations in another department.

Actually, what is happening now corresponds to today's holiday. All that remains is to wait for Easter.

Why are you PERSONALLY lashing out at a user? It sounds like a "personal attitude" so your statements are not credible. At this point you are "against personality", not against flubbing. If you can't distinguish that distinction, you can't distinguish the finer distinctions either.

A complaint has been made by a moderator I respect.

I feel the need to explain my position in light of the changes. (I will take this opportunity while my case is still pending). So....


Yes - it is a "personal attitude", you are absolutely right.

Only it's not one that's "pounced" on, it's two at once. (I don't jump on two of them at once).


What caused it can be understood by looking at the attachments in the "Open Appeal..." thread topic


I'm sorry, but I don't understand how after a request, a truly human request, not to do something unpleasant to a person,

two characters instantly post:

1) The first insults.

2) The second is followed by a series of posts of flubber.


Are these the actions of adult adequate people? Leading people of this forum.

The early timing of the post makes it impossible to even write this behaviour off as alcohol!


The above thread has been in existence for about 24 hours now. I hope everyone can see and understand everything.

But, not a single apology or even a step forward has been followed. Not in person or on the forum!


Peter, has laid low.

paukas, continues to weave logic circuits.


Is this a strong men's position? )))


P.S. Angela, be careful.....



paukas, continues to weave logic circuits.


Told you already, if I were a moderator I'd give you a lifetime ban.

Until I was 25. Purely out of a sense of innate goodness, humanity and humanity. :)))



Lasso! Would you like me to give you my nickname? He must be lucky.)))


2 paukas:

Von, they gave Medoff 150 years of ban. We are more humane. I think 17 would have been enough. And with all the subtleties, it would be 13.5. Well, 14. To even the score.

But seriously, I'm against the ban. Tearing down a branch of game, that's fine. But a ban...