SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 187


What is this if not spam?



It's about time this pretty boy was banned ...
Alpari is a company that is friendly to Metacquotes. This is a special case.
It's over.nolaner Renata is zafunda.
What's that? Can I speak Russian?
There are no infractions, no links to resources, no advertising, and no other niceties. And to ban him, you've successfully... :)
What's that? Can I speak Russian?
In Russian, they have a mutually beneficial cooperation. Hence the friendliness - simple as that.
Spammer. All branches have the same post.

Dear forum administrators,

please fix the "reply" links. When you click on such a link, the message is copied as uneditable text with an enlarged font size.
After clicking the "Add comment" button this text is not added to the message. The browser is Opera, the latest model.

Restrictions have been placed on your answers

Dear forum administrators,

please fix the "reply" link. When you click on such a link, the message is copied as uneditable text with enlarged font size.
After pressing the "Add comment" button this text is not added to the message. The browser is Opera, the latest model.

I have chrome and everything works. And opera on this forum has always glitched for me.